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  Committee on Ways and Means

Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
April 1, 2004

Committee on Ways and Means
U.S. House of Representatives
1102 Longworth House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515

Dear Honorable Congressmen E. Clay Shaw Jr. and Members of the Subcommittee,

In regard to the March 18th Hearing on the Social Security Administrations management of the Ticket to Work program, we respectfully provide the following input.

We applaud the efforts of Congress and Social Security to create work incentives for individuals with disabilities. These new provisions have created countless opportunities for individuals who otherwise would not have engaged in work activity. We respect an individual’s right to choose how and whether rehabilitation services will be provided. Furthermore, we support the efforts of Congress, the Social Security Administration and the Ticket to Work Advisory Panel to make improvements to the Ticket to Work program. It is due to our interest in helping make this program a viable and affable program for beneficiaries and Employment Networks (EN’s) (including State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies), that we want to ensure Congress have access to accurate information regarding states implementation of the Ticket to Work program.

Many of the concerns regarding the Ticket to Work program have been well documented over the past two years. Others have not. The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR) agrees with the recommendations made recently by the Ticket to Work Advisory Panel. The problems associated with low EN participation have been attributed to the high amount of risk involved in assigning tickets with little or no hope for claiming any payment from Social Security.  However USOR feels that EN participation has not been affected in the manner espoused by Mr. Seifert.  In Paul Seifert’s testimony, he asserts that “State VR agencies have developed stand alone, take it or leave it one size fits all agreements for EN’s in their states”. He further asserts that these agreements “require full and total repayment of all of VR’s costs”. In the state of Utah, we have conducted focus groups with our EN’s to explore the fairness of our draft agreement. The Employment Networks were given a draft copy of the agreement and encouraged to make comments. We have maintained the position that EN’s in our state are not obligated to sign any agreement, and we have encouraged them to draft their own agreements for our consideration.  Furthermore, we have conducted countless focused training sessions in conjunction with our Area Work Incentive Coordinator to ensure that EN’s were up to date on the provisions of the Ticket to Work legislation and to empower them to draft their own agreements. We held our own

“EN recruitment” symposium and dedicated almost ½ day to discuss creative partnerships. Despite our

outreach efforts and openness to creative partnerships, none of the EN’s have submitted an EN agreement for our consideration and have unanimously agreed to sign the agreement posed by our agency.

The reasons cited by the EN’s remain consistent with earlier and well documented implementation issues with the Ticket to Work program. The EN’s in Utah are afraid of the financial risk involved in accepting tickets, with or without VR as a partner. The EN’s in Utah including USOR meet periodically to discuss ticket issues and to provide general support to each other. At all times, this has been done in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, not just between USOR, but also among all seven of the Utah EN’s. On one occasion, one of the EN’s called the Ticket to Work coordinator at USOR to ask her technical assistance in assigning a ticket to his EN. She walked him through the process of how he could assign a ticket to his company. In the end, the EN made the decision not to accept the ticket, and referred the individual to VR because he felt that the administrative work associated with the ticket was burdensome. Our state has worked hard to create a healthy working relationship with Employment Networks, and to emphasize the importance of those relationships in our own staff training.

Frankly, we are offended by Mr. Seifert’s testimony to the contrary.

In further testimony, Paul Seifert criticizes the state VR agencies who failed to register tickets in a timely fashion, with the unfortunate circumstance of benefits being reduced (and later restored) for a beneficiary. We would just like to assure Congress as well as Mr. Seifert that our state database system allows us to track where all our tickets are during the entire assignment process. We have created an electronic system of completing the SSA1365 form and recording when the ticket is actually assigned by Maximus thereby hoping to alleviate any of the potential problems mentioned in testimony.

Finally, Mr. Seifert addresses transmittal 17.  The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation shares concern over this policy decision made by the Social Security Administration.  Informed Consent has been a guiding force in our daily operations prior to Ticket to Work, and remains integral to our Ticket policy and procedure today. 

During the first two years of the Ticket Implementation process I chaired the Council of State Administrations of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) Committee on Social Security Relationships.   The committee had numerous meetings with SSA, RSA and others to identify issues and seek solutions regarding implementation problems associated with the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Act.  Quarterly teleconferences were held between the states currently implementing the ticket, CSAVR, RSA, and SSA to determine how the ticket was being implemented and to provide technical assistance.  In addition CSAVR, SSA and RSA sponsored national training conferences prior to each group of states that were implementing the Ticket program.  Even before the ticket program began, CSAVR was providing input to SSA and Congress regarding these issues.  In the last four years, upper management from SSA and Maximus have participated in every CSAVR conference. 

Contrary to Mr. Seifert’s testimony, it has been my observation that State VR agencies have bent over backwards to assist in the development of the ticket program.  Yes, a few states have made some mistakes which have been corrected.  In the final analysis the Ticket program would be dead in the water without the State VR agencies.

The State of Utah is still in early implementation phase. There have only been 11,698 tickets mailed thus far, with 72 tickets assigned. Utah, like other states has made great preparations for this program. We are hopeful that measures will be taken to ensure the success of this program. We support the recommendations made by the Adequacy of Incentives Advisory Committee and as well, the Ticket to Work Advisory Panel recommendations. We urge Congress to seek input from all states regarding Ticket to Work Implementation. The Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvement Act holds much potential for job seekers with disabilities, but to realize the potential of this program we must work together to overcome the barriers rather than pointing fingers.   The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation is committed to working with Congress and the Social Security Administration in realizing the potential of this important program.


Blaine Petersen
Executive Director

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