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Staff Profile

Robert G. Kope

Division: CB
Status: Federal, NOAA Fisheries
Job Title: Research Fishery Biologist
Phone: 206-860-3374
Email: send e-mail


NWFSC Publications
Robert Kope began working for NOAA Fisheries at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center's Tiburon Laboratory in 1989 after receiving his Ph.D. in Population Ecology from the University of California, Davis. His research initially focused on stock assessment and harvest management of Klamath River chinook salmon in Northern California, but rapidly expanded to include conservation biology. In 1994, Robert moved to the NWFSC to participate in the coastwide status reviews of all Pacific salmon species carried out under the Endangered Species Act. As the status reviews were concluding and the NWFSC increased its complement of conservation biologists, Robert moved back into the stock assessment and harvest management arena for the NWFSC.

Current Research
Dr. Kope currently serves on the Pacific Fishery Management Councils Salmon Technical Team and the Pacific Salmon Commissions Chinook Technical Committee. Current research interests include the evaluation of methodologies for establishing escapement goals, and the utility of different types of data in assessing harvest impacts and stock status.

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last modified 11/10/2005

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