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Working Together To Manage Diabetes: A guide for Pharmacists, Podiatrists, Optometrists, and Dental professionals

Move It!

NDEP's campaign to help increase physical activity among youth.

NDEP's campaign to help increase physical activity among youth Move It posterDiabetes is one of the most serious health challenges facing American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States today. Although diabetes is a serious problem for American Indian elders, youth need to know that they also are at risk. To address this growing issue, NDEP developed Move It! campaign packets for schools and organizations that work with youth to encourage more physical activity. These packets included posters, diabetes fact sheets, tips and ideas for youth to increase regular physical activity. Since the campaign's launch in 2002, over 2,500 schools that serve American Indian students have received these packets.

Click on the poster to view a larger version.

Here are a few examples that show how schools have used these materials:

  • Used the posters as a talking point to begin discussion of diabetes in the community
  • Displayed posters in hallways, near the entrance to the building or the cafeteria, in health, science or Physical Education classrooms, in the school infirmary, or in counselors' offices.
  • Used the materials to promote health-related events such as a school health fair, a Diabetes Awareness Day, or even a school-wide fitness activity, such as a basketball tournament.
  • Copied materials and distribute to parents.
  • Began a walking club with staff and students after school.
  • Began a staff weight loss program.
  • Sponsored a wellness committee with students and teachers to organize campus-wide diabetes prevention or physical fitness activities.
  • Provided diabetes screening to students and counseling for individuals who test at high risk for diabetes.
  • Had community or tribal health educators come into the school and talk with students about diabetes and diabetes prevention.



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National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)    http://ndep.nih.gov
NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

A Joint Initiative of the National Institutes of Health and the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention