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Staff Profile

Owen S. Hamel

Division: FRAM
Status: Federal, NOAA Fisheries
Job Title: Research Fishery Biologist
Phone: 206-860-3481
Email: send e-mail


NWFSC Publications
Owen Hamel joined the FRAM division of NWFSC in August 2002. He was previously with Columbia Basin Research at the University of Washington. His work there included studying the coupled effects of bacterial kidney disease (BKD) and temperature on the survival of transported and run-of-river anadromous salmon from the Snake River Basin. Owen received his Ph.D. from the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management program at the University of Washington in 2001. His dissertation concerned the dynamics and effects of BKD in Snake River spring chinook salmon. He has an M.S. in applied mathematics from the University of Washington and a B.A. in mathematics from Brandeis University. He also studied at L'Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc in Montpellier, France.

Current Research
Owen is working on the 2005 West Coast Pacific ocean perch and shortspine thornyhead stock assessments and the Pacific ocean perch rebuilding analysis. He is conducting research on the use of the bomb radiocarbon chronometer for age validation of Pacific rockfishes, including development of a mathematical model of the chronometer and validation of darkblotched rockfish and Pacific ocean perch ageing. Owen is also continuing work on modeling mortality rates of Pacific salmon with bacterial kidney disease. Owen serves on the Center's Research Planning Team and on the Pacific Fishery Management Council's scientific and statistical committee.

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last modified 07/19/2005

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