Type 3 IMT Technical Assistance Program Updates for 2008

Type 3 IMTs

Front-end technical assistance will be the first step in the Type 3 IMT development process. This technical assistance will ensure that all of the administrative, legislative, technical, operational, and training aspects of an IMT are considered and planned for during the development of an IMT.

Prerequisite training for members will include ICS-100 through ICS-400. The team training course, All-Hazard IMT, has been revised to minimize redundancy with the prerequisites, and to include additional information on national mobilization and response. The revised course is 6 days.

Position Specific Professional Development Opportunities

In addition to the eight position specific opportunities for Command and General Staff that have been completed, unit leader professional development opportunities are being developed and pilot tested. These include:

2009 Opportunities

The primary audiences for these offerings include Type 3 IMT members.