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Oregon State Weed Board Grant Program
Get your forms here Application instructions
Introduction Definitions of lists
Project requirements Oregon State Noxious Weed List
Project criteria Tips on grant proposals
OSWB Grant Program policies
Contact the OSWB
Get your forms here
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The 18th cycle proposal deadline has closed.
Awards will be decided at the Oregon State Weed Board meeting September 4 & 5, 2008. Results will be available to applicants via email (sbrubake@oda.state.or.us) or phone (503-986-4622) on September 8, 2008.
The Oregon State Weed Board will begin to accept applications for the 19th cycle on October 1, 2008. Deadline will be December 3, 2008.
OSWB grant application instructions
OSWB grant application form
Use the following form for interim and final reporting.
Grant reporting form

In the 2007-2009 biennium approximately $2.3 million will become available for the Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB) to fund noxious weed control projects. It is a priority of the OSWB to fund projects that restore, enhance or protect fish and wildlife habitat, watershed function, and native salmonid or water quality. The implementation of a comprehensive watershed approach to integrated control of noxious weeds is the most effective strategy to minimize impacts and protect natural resources in Oregon from invasive noxious weeds. The goal of the OSWB is to fund as many high priority projects as possible with the available funding. The OSWB wants to make the process of developing a successful grant application as straight forward as possible.

The following are important points to note in the grant process:
  • Grants will be awarded based on the availability of funds for a given grant cycle. By submitting this application, grantee understands and agrees that Agency's payment amounts under contract attributable to work performed after the last day of the current biennium is contingent on Agency receiving from the Oregon Legislative Assembly appropriations, limitations, or other expenditure authority sufficient to allow Agency, in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to continue to make payments under a contract. Agency will pay only for completed work that is accepted by Agency, and such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld.
  • Grants will be awarded based on the OSWB's priorities.
  • There will be two grant cycles per year and applications will not be held over from one grant cycle to the next.
  • Grant applicant's name, project title, amount awarded and dates will be published on our website.

Grant eligibility
Any person, tribe, watershed council, soil and water conservation district, community college, state institution of higher education, independent not-for-profit institution of higher education or political subdivision of this state that is not a state agency may submit a request for funding. A state agency or federal agency may apply for funding only as a co-applicant with one of the other eligible entities.

Project types
Projects are restricted to those that restore, enhance or protect fish and wildlife habitat, watershed functions, native salmonid populations or water quality. Grant applications must be for on the ground weed control projects for OSWB listed noxious weeds. Applications may include research, survey, project design if required to complete the control portion of the project. Although, the majority of OSWB funds must go toward on the ground control.

Project requirements
1. The project must be for the management of state listed noxious weeds.

The OSWB establishes and maintains a list of "A", "B" and "T" designated noxious weeds. Proposed projects shall include only plants listed on the State Noxious Weed List. Examples of projects should include control, and may include; survey, monitoring, prevention, restoration, and education/outreach only when directly related to the control project.

2. The project must demonstrate sound principles of integrated weed management to both protect and enhance watershed health.

Proposed activities should be proven methods that promote, enhance or protect natural resources.

3. Projects will demonstrate specific site management objectives.

Projects demonstrating specific site analysis and project development are desirable. Projects supported by or identified in Weed Management Plans, Site Assessments, Action Plans, Watershed Plans and Federal Management Plans are desired.

4. Projects must have on-the-ground control as a focus.

Projects must exhibit control elements to be considered for funding. Control must be completed within the timelines outlined within each grant cycle. In addition, the majority of OSWB funds must be used toward the control elements of the project.

Project criteria
Noxious weed management projects will be evaluated using the following criteria:

1. Priority Weed
Projects that relate to the control of weeds listed on the OSWB "A", "B", and "T" lists will be given priority. "A" designated weed projects will score higher then "B" designated weed projects, etc.

2. Cooperation
Projects showing direct evidence of collaboration either by actual funds or in-kind funds between stakeholders and agencies may be given preferences over single-party projects.

3. Restoration
Projects that include not only control elements but also elements of restoration will be given priority. An example would be to incorporate seeding and establishment of desirable vegetation on the control site.

4. Planning
Projects that are part of weed assessment, comprehensive integrated action and monitoring plans are desirable. These plans can be stand alone for the specific project or associated with existing Weed Management Areas, Weed Management Plans, Environmental Assessments, Watershed Restoration Plans, etc. Reference all plans your project may be associated with and provide copies of the plans.

5. Narrative
This section will be reviewed by the OSWB and evaluated based on unique characteristics of the project that may not be covered in the criteria in items 1-4. An example may be a "B" designated weed that is a new invading weed in a watershed and it is a priority to control this weed to

OSWB Grant Program policies
1. OSWB will not fund project administration costs in excess of 10% of the total awarded amount.

2. OSWB will only consider grant applications that identify specific project activities.

3. OSWB grant applications will be considered complete as submitted. Clarification of information may be sought from the applicant during the evaluation process but additional or new information will not be accepted after the application deadline.

4. OSWB will only enter into new grant agreements with prior grantees if all terms of earlier grant agreements have been fulfilled.

5. Phase II projects cannot be funded until Phase I has been completed, etc.

6. OSWB will consider grant applications that fund private consultant personnel services only when such services are included as a component of a project proposed by other entities.

7. OSWB may support multi-year grants for noxious weed control projects if projects are broken into identifiable phases that fit the given grant cycles and are submitted with the appropriate cycle. Projects will be reviewed on an interim basis to ensure that identifiable results are being accomplished as part of the overall project objectives. Continued project funding will be subject to availability of funds. OSWB will also consider previous project performance and priorities within each grant cycle.

8. OSWB wants to fund as many high priority projects as possible with the funding available. For this reason the OSWB encourages projects in the range of $25,000 or less for a given grant cycle. However, grants have been and can be awarded for larger amounts based on priority projects.

9. Awarded grants will be subject to monitoring by ODA Noxious Weed Control Program as follows:
Level one: monitoring to include all verification of reports, documents, receipts and invoices submitted for activities relating to the project. This monitoring will be throughout the duration of the contract.
Level two: monitoring to include all on the ground site monitoring done by Department staff. Grantee agrees to contact assigned Department staff and Department Grant Analyst at start of on the ground activities, this can be done via email, pone, or written notification. This monitoring will be throughout the duration of the contract.
Level three: monitoring to include all follow up activities that may be completed after the duration of the contract.

10. Once a grant agreement has been signed between ODA and grantee, any changes to the original submitted proposal must be approved by ODA and amendments to the agreement shall be required (see page 1, para 4 of Agreement).

Contact the OSWB
OSWB staff
Regional OSWB staff members are available to assist you in developing your proposal, feel free to contact anyone listed below.

Main Office:
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Noxious Weed Control Program
635 Capitol St NE
Salem, OR 97301-2532
Phone: 503-986-4621
Fax: 503-986-4786

Shannon Brubaker, Grant Administrative Analyst • 503-986-4622
Tim Butler, Program Manager • 503-986-4621
Tom Forney, Projects Coordinator • 503-986-4621
Eric Coombs, Biological Control Entomologist • 503-986-4621
Beth Myers-Shenai, Integrated Weed Management Technician • 503-986-4621
Jo Davis, Program Assistant • 503-986-4621
Field Offices:

Bonnie Rasmussen, Integrated Weed Management Specialist • 541-493-2342
Ken French, Integrated Weed Management Specialist • 541-430-0762

Klamath Falls
Bob Barrett, Integrated Weed Management Specialist • 541-850-9550
Dan Sharratt, Integrated Weed Management Coordinator • 541-562-5109

Dave Langland, Integrated Weed Management Coordinator • 541-548-2241
Glenn Miller, Integrated Weed Management Specialist • 541-954-8293

Application instructions
Please provide the OSWB with one signed original plus 14 copies OR one signed original and an electronic copy of your completed grant application. Electronic files can be emailed to sbrubake@oda.state.or.us or mailed in a disk. Applications must be received or postmarked by the application cut-off date. Applications should be sent to the Oregon State Weed Board at 635 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97301-2632. If any of the information requested on the application form cannot be supplied, please be sure to include an explanation. Applicants will receive an email upon acceptance of the application once that email is sent absolutely no additional information from the applicant can be submitted, this includes verbal and written information, the proposal is then considered complete as submitted (except at the request of OSWB staff or Board members).
1. Application information
a. Project Title: Provide a name using 6 words or less that can be used for the project on all related correspondence and/or agreements.
b. County: Provide the county or counties the project is located in.
c. Watershed: Using third level HUC identify the watershed(s) your project will benefit (see list provided and attached map Appendix C)
d. Applicant and/or Organization: Any person, tribe, watershed council, soil and water conservation district, community college, state institution of higher education, independent not-for-profit institution of higher education or political subdivision of this state that is not a state agency. Please make certain that the name you want used on the grant agreement and any correspondence is written here.
e. Type of Organization: Please indicate the type of organization represented in the applicant line.
f. OSWB Dollars Requested/Total Cost of Project: Fill in the dollar figures as appropriate.
g. Project Contact/Manager Information: All correspondence will be sent and or contacts made according to information provided here.
h. Fiscal Officer: Provide the name of the person who will be responsible for tracking and accounting for project funds and compliance with the grant agreement conditions.
i. Weed Species: List all weeds pertaining to this project use common name plus genus and species. Identify the priority weed by listing it first. Remember to list only state listed noxious weeds.
2. Project Information
a. Project location: Identify where the proposed project is located, regardless of the type of project. Provide at a minimum; county project is located in, legal description (T-R-Sec), and if available latitude and longitude of the project site(s). Include estimated number of acres (net/gross).
b. Identify which methods of control: Check which type of control you are proposing. Also, your project may be for more then one type of control activity check all that apply. In addition, provide additional activities outside of control activities. All activities must be directly related to the control project proposed.
c. Is this a landowner reimbursement project? Projects that partially reimburse landowners for the cost of implementing weed control. A landowner list including acreage by weed species must accompany the proposal.
d. Summary of projects: In 3 paragraphs or less give an overview of the project. Overviews should include: if this is an extension of a previously funded project please include details of past treatments including successes and failures, estimated acreage for treatment, methods of treatment, objectives, and restoration components.
e. Funds requested: Please indicate the amount of funding requested from OSWB and other sources, whether the funds are secured, and the total budget cost.
f. Have any conditions been placed on other funds? Indicate whether OSWB funds have to be spent first if other funds are only available under certain conditions.
g. Is the project part of an existing weed management plan? Explain whether the work or site where work is proposed is specifically identified in an existing management plan. If yes, please be sure to include plan name.
h. Proposed schedule for the project: List the anticipated start and completion date for the various components of the project. Please be sure to note final report due dates to see if your project fits within the grant cycle time-line.
i. Are there additional partners (agencies, landowners, volunteers)? What role will they play in this project? Almost all projects have the cooperation of landowners, professional advisors, organizations, and/or volunteers. Identify these entities, approximately how much time/materials they are contributing and what their role is in completing the project. Be sure to list the amounts of other funds and the dollar value of donated services and supplies.
j. Have affected individuals and/or organizations been contacted about this proposal? Explain whether individuals or organizations affected by proposed plan have been contacted and if they support it, if not, please explain.
k. How does this project relate to other projects completed or planned? Note how the project relates to other watershed activities to demonstrate that the project is appropriate.
l. How will restoration be a part of your project? If restoration is not a component of this project please explain. For example, re-vegetation of a control site.
m. Will monitoring of previously released bio-control sites be a part of this project? For example: releases made by your organization, ODA or the USDA. If yes explain the importance to this project that this monitoring will have.
3. Assessment/Action Plan Budget:
Itemize projected cost in each category, personnel, travel and supplies/materials for funds requested. Use only the funds being requested from OSWB. (Use Appendix B to help guide you in allowable expenses).
*Project administration overhead must not exceed 10% of total amount of contract.
4. Project Narrative
Attach as many pages as necessary to concisely answer the questions. Repeat the questions and number the answers to correspond to the application.
5. Required Attachments
Maps highlighting location of project and a more detailed map locating site-specific activities, include estimated acres to be treated.

Attach photos of the project site(s) where feasible. Site pictures help the OSWB in gaining perspective of your proposed project. If possible, designate a site for photo monitoring.

If this project is landowner reimbursement include a list of landowners with acreage listed by weed species.
6. Legal Requirements
Original signed legal requirements sheet must accompany the grant application when it is received. If you are sending an electronic application you must sign and date the legal requirements form and mail the form before the deadlines indicated.

Remember applications must include:

  • Budget breakdown of your requested OSWB dollars
  • Maps highlighting specific area of project activities
  • Photos (please use the same photo points as you will use on interim and final reports should this project be awarded)
  • For landowner reimbursement projects - landowner list with acreages listed by weed species
  • One original proposal and an electronic version or 14 copies
  • (Electronic versions can be emailed to sbrubake@oda.state.or.us)


Definitions of lists
Noxious Weed Control Classification System
Noxious weeds, for the purpose of this system, shall be designated "A" or "B" and may be given the additional designation of "T" according to the Oregon Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Rating System.

  • "A" Designated weed - a weed of known economic importance which occurs in the state in small enough infestations to make eradication or containment possible; or is not known to occur, but its presence in neighboring states make future occurrence in Oregon seem imminent (Table 1).
Recommended action: Infestations are subject to eradication or intensive control when and where found.
  • "B" Designated weed - a weed of economic importance which is regionally abundant, but which may have limited distribution in some counties (Table 2).
Recommended action: Limited to intensive control at the state, county or regional level as determined on a case-by-case basis. Where implementation of a fully integrated statewide management plan is not feasible, biological control (when available) shall be the main control approach. ("B" weeds targeted for biological control are identified with an asterisk).
  • "T" Designated weed - a priority noxious weed designated by the Oregon State Weed Board as a target on which the Oregon Department of Agriculture will develop and implement a statewide management plan. "T" designated noxious weeds are species selected from either the "A" or "B" list (Table 3).

Oregon State Noxious Weed List
state noxious weed list (pdf)
or visit Oregon's Noxious Weed Profiles

Tips on grant proposals
  • Make sure that your target weeds are state listed noxious weeds.
  • Proposed activites should be proven methods of control.
  • Project that shows evidence of cooperation with other entities may be given preference over single-party projects.
  • It is very important to outline your on-the-groud activities in detail. State your plans and projected actions throughout the cycle. Do not be vague when it comes to on-the-ground activities. Show why and how your project will work.
  • If you have a very large project that requires large amount of funding, break your project into different phases or break down the weed species or area of control.
  • Make sure that your accounting is free of error and that cost is not exaggerated.
  • Attach pictures and maps with your proposal. This will give the OSWB a better perspective of your project.
  • Projects with sound restoration components may be given priority.
  • Outlier infestations are given priority over core infestations.

Page updated: August 07, 2008

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