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Biological agents and host plants
List of noxious weeds targeted for biological control in Oregon.

Host plant
Bio agent
Agent type
Bachelor's button - Centaurea cyanus
Chaetorellia australis  seed head fly
  Urophora quadrifasciata  seed head gall fly
Black knapweed - Centaurea nigra Urophora quadrifasciata
 seed head gall fly
Brown knapweed - Centaurea jacea Urophora quadrifasciata  seed head gall fly
Bull thistle - Cirsium vulgare Cheilosia corydon  crown / root fly
  Rhinocyllus conicus  seed head weevil
  Urophora stylata  seed head gall fly
Canada thistle - Cirsium arvense Altica carduorum  root / defoliating flea beetle
  Ceutorhynchus litura  crown / root weevil
  Rhinocyllus conicus  seed head weevil
  Urophora cardui  stem gall fly
Dalmatian toadflax - Linaria dalmatica Calophasia lunula  defoliating moth
  Gymnetron antirrhini  seed head weevil
  Gymnetron linariae  root-galling weevil
  Mecinus janthinus  stem boring weevil
Diffuse knapweed - Centaurea diffusa Agapeta zoegana  root boring moth
  Bangasternus fausti  seed head weevil
  Chaetorellia acrolophi  seed head fly
  Cyphocleonus achates  root weevil
  Larinus minutus  seed head weevil
  Metzneria paucipunctella  seed head moth
  Pterolonche inspersa  root boring moth
  Sphenoptera jugoslavica  root boring beetle
  Terellia virens  seed head fly
  Urophora affinis  seed head gall fly
  Urophora quadrifasciata  seed head gall fly
Field bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis Aceria malherbae  eriophyid mite
  Tyta luctuosa  defoliating moth
French broom - Genista monspessulana Bruchidius villosus  seed beetle
Gorse - Ulex europaeus Exapion ulicis  seed weevil
  Tetranychus lintearius  spider mite
Italian thistle - Carduus pycnocephalus Cheilosia corydon  crown / root fly
  Rhinocyllus conicus  seed head weevil
  Trichosirocalus horridus  crown/root weevil
Leafy spurge - Euphorbia esula
Aphthona abdominalis  root / defoliating flea beetle
  Aphthona cyparissiae  root / defoliating flea beetle
  Aphthona czwalinae  root / defoliating flea beetle
  Aphthona flava  root / defoliating flea beetle
  Aphthona lacertosa  root / defoliating flea beetle
  Aphthona nigriscutis  root / defoliating flea beetle
  Chamaesphecia crassicornis  root boring moth
  Hyles euphorbiae  defoliating moth
  Oberea erythrocephala  root / stem boring beetle
  Spurgia esula  shoot tip gall midge
Meadow knapweed - Centaurea jacea x nigra
Larinus minutus  seed head weevil
  Larinus obtusus  seed head weevil
  Metzneria paucipunctella  seed head moth
  Urophora quadrifasciata  seed head gall fly
Mediterranean sage - Salvia aethiopis Phrydiuchus tau  root / crown weevil
  Phrydiuchus spilmani  root / crown weevil
Milk thistle - Silybum marianum Rhinocyllus conicus  seed head weevil
Musk thistle - Carduus nutans
Cheilosia corydon  crown / root fly
  Rhinocyllus conicus  seed head weevil
  Trichosirocalus horridus  crown/root weevil
  Urophora solstitialis  seed head gall fly
Plumeless thistle - Carduus acanthoides Rhinocyllus conicus  seed head weevil
Puncturevine - Tribulus terrestris Microlarinus lareynii  seed weevil
  Microlarinus lypriformis  stem boring weevil
Purple loosestrife- Lythrum salicaria
Galerucella calmariensis  defoliating beetle
  Galerucella pusilla  defoliating beetle
  Hylobius transversovittatus  root weevil
  Nanophyes marmoratus  seed head weevil
Rush skeletonweed - Chondrilla juncea Bradyrrhoa gilveolella  root boring moth
  Cystiphora schmidti  stem / leaf gall midge
  Eriophyes chondrillae  bud gall mite
  Puccinia chondrillina  leaf rust fungus
Russian knapweed - Acroptilon repens
Subanguina picridis  leaf stem gall nematode
Russian thistle - Salsola kali
Coleophora klimeschiella  leaf mining moth
  Coleophora parthenica  stem boring moth
St. Johnswort - Hypericum perforatum Agrilus hyperici  root / stem boring beetle
  Aplocera plagiata  defoliating moth
  Chrysolina hyperici  defoliating beetle
  Chrysolina quadrigemina  defoliating beetle
  Zeuxidiplosis giardi  leaf gall midge
Saltcedar - Tamarix ramosissima Diorhabda elongata  defoliating beetle
  Aceria genistae  eriophyid gall mite
Scotch broom - Cytisus scoparius Bruchidius villosus  seed beetle
Exapion fuscirostre  seed weevil
Leucoptera spartifoliella twig mining moth
Scotch thistle - Onopordum acanthium
Rhinocyllus conicus seed head weevil
Trichosirocalus horridus crown/root weevil
Slender-flowered thistle - Carduus tenuiflorus Cheilosia corydon crown / root fly
Rhinocyllus conicus seed head weevil
Trichosirocalus horridus crown/root weevil
Spotted knapweed - Centaurea stoebe (C. maculosa) Agapeta zoegana root boring moth
Bangasternus fausti seed head weevil
Chaetorellia acrolophi seed head fly
Cyphocleonus achates root weevil
Larinus minutus seed head weevil
Larinus obtusus seed head weevil
Metzneria paucipunctella seed head moth
Pelochrista medullana root boring moth
Pterolonche inspersa root boring moth
Sphenoptera jugoslavica root boring beetle
Terellia virens seed head fly
Urophora affinis seed head gall fly
Urophora quadrifasciata seed head gall fly
Squarrose knapweed - Centaurea virgata Urophora affinis seed head gall fly
Urophora quadrifasciata seed head gall fly
Tansy ragwort -Senecio jacobaea Botanophila seneciella seed head fly
Longitarsus jacobaeae root / defoliating flea beetle
Tyria jacobaeae defoliating moth
Yellow starthistle - Centaurea solstitialis Bangasternus orientalis seed head weevil
Chaetorellia australis seed head fly
Eustenopus villosus seed head weevil
Larinus curtus seed head weevil
Urophora quadrifasciata seed head gall fly
Urophora sirunaseva seed head fly
Yellow toadflax - Linaria vulgaris Calophasia lunula defoliating moth
  Gymnetron antirrhini seed head weevil

Page updated: November 02, 2007

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