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Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)


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The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) program is involved in early detection of exotic pests that threaten Colorado's agriculture and environment.


Activities include annual surveys for targeted pests, outreach, and education. Recent pests of concern include the emerald ash borer, Sirex wood-wasp, Asian longhorned beetle, potato cyst nematode, cereal leaf beetle, and others.


This program is a joint project with the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), Colorado State University and other state and federal groups.


Please contact us for information concerning any of these or other exotic pests of concern or for any education or outreach needs.

 John Kaltenbach

State Survey Coordinator























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"Buy It Where You Burn It!"

New poster on buying your firewood in Colorado now online.

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Contact CAPS program

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CAPS Publications