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USAID produces numerous documents including reports, manuals, surveys and evaluations as part of its development programs in India and South Asia. These USAID funded technical and program documentation are produced for USAID use and the use of government, donors and other stakeholders to best inform development policies and programs.

These documents are available free for downloading in PDF format. Users are asked to give authors and USAID appropriate credit when citing any document.



Jun 19, 2008

Title: Innovations in the Health Sector

Description: This document is collection of abstracts describing innovations in the public health sector in India shared at a USAID Health Partners meeting in June 2008. The innovations are evidenced based, scalable, successful innovations from projects supported by USAID. The innovations come from a wide array of health activities including reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, urban health, nutrition and health systems. This document will be re-produced on a rolling basis with new innovations.

Feb 20, 2008 Title: Deepening India’s Capital Market: The Way Forward

Description: This report, based on USAID’s experience providing assistance to the Securities and Exchange Board of India and the Ministry of Finance, describes the transformation of India’s capital market from early 1992 through mid-2007 and recommends ways to further enhance regulation of the capital market.

Author: Paritosh Sharma, Lew Mendelson, Tom Keyes, and Constantin Abarbieritei.
Nov 02, 2007 Title: Private Health Insurance In India: Promise and Reality

Description: The study investigates the impact of private insurance (or quasi-private in the case of government-owned companies) on health coverage in India and based on the findings, suggests the way forward for government policy, effective regulation and enforcement, and private sector activity.

Author: Edgar Balbin, Aloke Gupta, Neil Hollander, Durga Kumari, Dr. Susan Matthies, Nimish Parekh, Kimberly Switlick, John Wipf, and Kenneth Cahill
Dec 2007 Title: Prospects For Economic Growth And Workforce Development In The Mumbai Metropolitan Region

Description: As part of USAID’s India Urban Initiatives project, USAID had commissioned this study on rejuvenating economic growth of Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). The study provides an analysis of conditions and trends in the economy of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) and offers recommendations for actions to remove barriers and stimulate growth in key economic sectors.
Dec 2007 Title: Low Income Shelter Finance In Slum Upgrading

Description: This report summarizes findings from the USAID-sponsored project on models of financing for slum upgrading in India. The report primarily addresses issues such as lack of finance for low income housing and gives suggestions for credit enhancements to better leverage subsidies and household contribution.
Apr 2007 Title: A New Land Title Registration System for Delhi: Recommendations

Description: This is the final report of a study of the system of land tenure and land title in urban Delhi. The study is based on an enquiry into present circumstances and alternative courses of action; its purpose is to recommend methods for Delhi to move towards more transparent, consistent, and efficient land tenure and registration systems.
Nov 2006 Title: State Finance Commissions and Urban Fiscal Decentralization in India

Description: This document reviews the performance of the State Finance Commissions (SFCs) in the context of the Constitution (74th) Amendment Act, 1992 especially in the context of the provisions related to fiscal decentralization.

Documents are made available on this site for four months and are then removed and made available at the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse website att:

Please note presentations from recent USAID events are available in PDF format on this website for a short period only.

May 5-6, 2008 Presentations from "Making Health Insurance Work for the Poor" Conference.



May 05 , 2008

 Day 1 Presentations

May 06, 2008  Day 2 Presentations


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July 14, 2008
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