Handoff Courses
Due to space and budget limitations, NFA cannot accept all qualified applicants for courses at the Emmitsburg campus. Also, many volunteer and career fire service personnel do not have the time to attend on-campus programs. To reach these students, the Academy offers the following handoff courses for locally sponsored delivery from your State Fire Training Office:
- Arson Detection for the First Responder (1996) (H201)
- Basic Life Support/Hazardous Materials (1996) (H246)
- Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts (1997) (H531)
- Fire Safe Building Design for Architects and Designers
- Firefighter Safety and Survival: The Company Officer's Responsibility (1988) (H126)
- Hazardous Materials Incident Analysis (1984) (H410)
- Hazardous Materials: The Pesticide Challenge (1984) (H900)
- Health and Safety Officer (2006) (H730)
- Incident Command System (1989) (H806)
- Incident Command System for Emergency Medical Services (2006) (H163)
- Incident Safety Officer (2006) (H729)
- Infection Control for Emergency Response Personnel: The Supervisor's Role and Responsibilities (1993) (H807)
- Initial Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents: Basic Concepts (1992) (H809)
- Initial Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents: Concept Implementation (1992) (H808)
- Introduction to Fire Inspection Principles and Practices (Replaces Conducting Basic Fire Prevention Inspections) (1996) (H403)
- Introduction to Wildland and Wildland/ Urban Interface Firefighting for the Structural Company Officer (1999) (H610)
- Leadership I: Strategies for Company Success (1993) (H803)
- Leadership II: Strategies for Personal Success (1993) (H804)
- Leadership III: Strategies for Supervisory Success (1993) (H805)
- Managing Company Tactical Operations: Decisionmaking (1991) (H450)
- Managing Company Tactical Operations: Preparation (1991) (H375)
- Managing Company Tactical Operations: Simulations (1995) (H452)
- Managing Company Tactical Operations: Tactics (1993) (H451)
- Managing in a Changing Environment (1996) (H604)
- Principles of Building Construction: Combustible (H104)
- Principles of Building Construction: Noncombustible (H103)
- Recognizing and Identifying Hazardous Materials, 2nd Edition (1992) (H249)
- Rescue Systems I (1993) (H165)
- Shaping the Future (1996) (H602)
- Technical Principles and Practices of Fire Prevention (2000) (H284)
- Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Protection (1988) (H600)