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USAID Efforts to Involve People Living with HIV/AIDS

People living with HIV/AIDS have a critical role to play in designing and implementing HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs. The involvement of persons living with HIV/AIDS can make programs more effective, appropriate, and meaningful:

  • Prevention messages delivered by people living with the infection are a powerful voice on behalf of behavior change and help reduce fear and stigma.

  • Involvement in HIV/AIDS programs benefits persons living with HIV/AIDS by reducing their isolation and empowering them to make a difference.

  • Organizations that involve people living with HIV/AIDS in prevention and care programs reap many benefits, including better information about the needs of affected communities and increased credibility with the community.
Programs or organizations seeking to involve people living with HIV/AIDS in their activities face a number of challenges:
  • Stigma and discrimination can make it difficult for a person to disclose his or her HIV status or become actively involved in community HIV/AIDS activities.

  • Organizations may be unprepared to involve persons living with HIV/AIDS, especially at the decision-making level.

  • People living with HIV/AIDS who wish to become involved in programs may need to develop new skills such as advocacy or counseling.
The U.S. Agency for International Development played a major role in supporting the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS Initiative in 1994. Since then, USAID programs have been working to create an environment in which persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDS are comfortable coming forward as educators, community mobilizers, and active participants in community and country programs.

Creating a supportive environment requires overcoming stigma and discrimination, improving the management, advocacy, and outreach abilities of HIV/AIDS organizations, and learning more about how best to involve persons living with HIV/AIDS in community-based organizations.

USAID activities include:
  • Publication of a Directory of Networks of People Living with HIV/AIDS [PDF, 2.8MB]. This directory shares information on these groups from across the African continent, and is designed to promote information sharing and collaboration among the organizations. USAID will publish a global directory of groups for People Living with HIV/AIDS in July 2002.

  • A USAID study examined how organizations and programs involve persons living with HIV/AIDS in their prevention and care activities and what kind of effects such involvement has on the organization, the community, and the individual. The findings of this study had an immediate impact on the participating community-based organizations and have helped inform the design and implementation of similar studies in other countries.

  • In Zambia, the USAID mission worked with the Network of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS to strengthen their organization. To create a more supportive environment, USAID also supported a media campaign on HIV, human rights, and workplace issues.

  • In the Dominican Republic, USAID supports networks for persons living with HIV/AIDS which provide legal and social assistance, training on the national AIDS law, medical and psychological services, and educational programs. These networks have reached 5,000 beneficiaries and developed 19 self-help groups for persons living with HIV/AIDS.

  • A regional activity in Asia is promoting the rights and greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS in prevention, care, and outreach activities, supporting networks for people living with HIV/AIDS, and providing media and project management training to such organizations. The networks that have received assistance are providing much-needed support to people living with HIV/AIDS, such as access to appropriate health care and advocacy at the national and local levels to reduce stigma and discrimination.

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Fri, 11 Feb 2005 08:21:47 -0500