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Haiti - Complex Emergency

Map of Haiti
Map of Haiti

Regional Team: LAC

Disaster Declared:

Brief Description:
Haiti’s 200-year history has been marked by political instability and weak institutional capacity. The current complex emergency is rooted in the country’s inability to resolve a four-year political impasse, which has caused the international community to halt millions of dollars in assistance. Since 2000, the electoral controversy has paralyzed the Aristide administration, and Aristide has lost popular support due to the inability of the government to attract investment to the country, create jobs, or reduce poverty. In late 2003, anti-government demonstrations began to increase in size, frequency, and violence. The most recent surge in conflict and violence began on February 5, 2004, when members of armed opposition groups seized control of Gonaïves, Haiti’s fourth-largest city. Armed groups opposed to President Aristide have since expanded their control throughout the northern region. The ongoing turmoil and economic instability in Haiti have affected numerous aspects of development. Ranked 150th out of 173 countries in the United Nations (U.N.) Development Program 2003 Human Development Report, Haiti is the poorest country and the only Least Developed Country in the Western Hemisphere.



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Wed, 30 May 2007 08:09:04 -0500