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Help NIJ Evaluate Training - It's Free!

NIJ is currently seeking law enforcement agency volunteers to take a pilot course on less-lethal terminology. Learn more about how you can help.

Risk of Death from CEDs

An expert panel of medical professionals found no decisive evidence of a high risk of death or serious injury to healthy adults from the direct effects of Tasers and other Conducted Energy Devices. But certain groups may be at much higher risk.

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Deciding When and How to Use Less-Lethal Devices

When deciding to use less-lethal equipment, officers consider the circumstances and their agency's policy. Almost all larger law enforcement agencies have written policies about the use of less-lethal force.

As part of their policy, agencies often have an approved use-of-force continuum to help officers decide the suitable amount of force for a situation — higher levels of force in most severe circumstances, and less force in other circumstances.

Many agencies in which officers use less-lethal technologies have training programs to help evaluate dangerous circumstances.

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For more information about less-lethal policies and practices, see contains information on:

Date Modified: June 23, 2008