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BNLers Celebrate LHC Start-Up

Friday, September 12, 2008

On September 10, Brookhaven physicists, engineers, and technicians celebrated the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a massive particle accelerator located on the Franco-Swiss border. Brookhaven's event, which started roughly five hours after CERN scientists sent the first beam of protons all the way around the LHC's 17-mile ring, featured talks by Lab Director Sam Aronson, NYS Assemblyman Marc Alessi, and Brookhaven physicists Peter Wanderer and Howard Gordon. Next, via a live, two-way video connection, participants addressed questions to Brookhaven scientists Pavel Nevski, Stephanie Majewski, and Steve Peggs, who witnessed the historical milestone first hand from the ATLAS experiment's control room. (First photo, below.) Cake and coffee provided a sweet end to the morning event, as BNLers involved in the construction and operations of the LHC and its experiments gathered to celebrate in the Physics Building.

For more information about Brookhaven's contributions to the LHC, go to

For a personal account of this LHC milestone, check out the blogs of two BNLers: Stephanie Majewski and Peter Steinberg.

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2008-888  |  Media & Communications Office