Fermilab TodayWednesday, July 21, 2004  
Wednesday, July 21
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Fermilab Colloquium - 1 West
Speaker: J. Baller, Baller Herbst Law Group
Title: Bringing "True" Broadband to America

Thursday, July 22
Noon Summer Lecture Series - 1 West
Speaker: V. White, Fermilab
Title: Grid Computing and Physics
2:30 p.m. Theoretical Physics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: D. Wackeroth, State University of New York, Buffalo
Title: NLO QCD Predictions for Hadronic Higgs Production with Heavy Quarks
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over

Wednesday, July 21
Vegetable Beef Soup
Quarter Pound Hot Dog in a Soft Pretzel Roll $4.75
Burgundy Beef Tips $4.25
Baked Fish Creole over Rice $3.75
Grilled Chicken Caesar Wrap $4.75
Pepperoni Lover's Calzones $2.75
Rio Grande Taco Salads $4.75
Wilson Hall Cafe Menu
Chez Leon
WeatherSevere Thunderstorms 91º/72º

Extended Forecast

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Secon Level 3

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Happy Birthday, Fermilab Today!
Fermilab Today Birthday Cake
The birthday cake was the main event at last night's party. (Click on image for larger version.)
Fermilab Today turns one today. Last night more than 20 Fermilab employees who regularly contribute to the daily online publication met in the Users' Center to celebrate over cocktails and birthday cake.

"Fermilab Today has improved communication between experimental programs, the user community, and the government," said former CDF spokesperson Nigel Lockyer. "It is a quick and efficient way of getting up to speed on the lab's happenings, and on what's going on in high-energy physics in general."

Written and published by the Office of Public Affairs, Fermilab Today also includes regular columns from other departments, such as ES&H's "Safety Tip of the Week," and the scientific "Result of the Week," which usually alternates between CDF and DZero. "What you are eating tonight is a Fermilab potluck, which is pretty much what Fermilab Today is anyway," said head of Public Affairs Judy Jackson as she toasted everyone at the party last night. "In one sitting you can read about a major discovery regarding dark matter, then find out who won the Fermilab-Argonne ultimate frisbee tournament."

The party provided a great opportunity to thank everyone for their contributions and support during the last year. "A lot of people have been vital to Fermilab Today's success," said Elizabeth Clements, editor of Fermilab Today. "We're grateful to VMS for providing photos, especially the last-minute requests, the safety folks for keeping us up to date on proper procedures, our interns, and all the other people who have helped, but don't necessarily get recognized on a daily basis. We couldn't do it without you."

In the News
From The Statesman, July 20, 2004
Uniting Dark Matter and Ditto Energy
Of late, scientists have discovered that the cosmos appears to be filled with not just one but two invisible constituents — dark matter and dark energy — whose existence has been proposed based solely on their gravitational effects on ordinary matter and energy. Now physicist Robert J. Scherrer of Vanderbilt University has proposed a model that could cut the mystery in half by explaining dark matter and dark energy as two aspects of a single unknown force. The model is described in his paper, “Purely Kinetic k Essence as Unified Dark Matter”, published by the Physical Review Letters.
read more

What's up with the Linear Collider?
The third in a series of Fermilab Today stories on the International Linear Collider. The entire series is available online.
The Global Design Initiative
IHEP Beijing
On August 19, the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing hosts the next ILCSC meeting. (Click on image for larger version.)
Before the end of the year - perhaps as early as August - the International Technology Recommendation Panel will recommend the use of either 'cold' or 'warm' technology for the International Linear Collider. The recommendation will allow the International Linear Collider Steering Committee, which appointed the ITRP, to take the next steps to advance the ILC project. According to chairman Maury Tigner, the ILCSC committee is in the process of setting up a Global Design Initiative. The initial GDI goal is to produce a Conceptual Design Report that defines the ILC at the highest scientific and technical level. In the second phase, the GDI will create the equivalent of a Technical Design Report to support a solid cost estimate.

To take advantage of the wealth of linear accelerator R&D that has taken place in Asia, Europe and North America, the ILCSC will establish a GDI Central Team, which will closely interact with Regional Teams that represent
Maury Tigner
Maury Tigner, chair
of the ILCSC
the three regions and act as links to the governments in their region. While the technical strength and knowledge about the ILC will be at the three Regional Teams, the Central Team will hold the pertinent milestones and parameter list, coordinate and guide design activity, and will have the authority needed to make cohesive progress. All members of the Central Team will work at a yet-to-be- determined site, fostering the collaborative nature of the team. Close to 10 physics laboratories, including Fermilab, have submitted proposals to host the GDI Central Team.

"It seems probable that after the Technology Recommendation the next choice will be the Central Team Director and then the Central Team site," said Tigner. "The schedule calls for the Conceptual Design Report to be finished about a year after the Central Team is formed."

The ILCSC is currently devising a Morandum of Understanding, to be signed by participating institutions, under which the GDI will operate while an international governance structure is being set up. "A draft of the MOU is now out for comment," said Tigner. For the second GDI phase, which will lead to the Technical Design Report, a new and more formal oversight mechanism will be introduced with the combined efforts of government agencies.
Next: Fermilab's GDI site proposal

New Books in the Fermilab Library
New books in the Fermilab Library for the week of July 19 are now on display in the Library near the front desk. A list is available online. New books may be reserved by using the online Library catalog or by calling the library at x3401, or by filling out the reserve card in the book.

New Book Purchase Suggestion Lists
New Book purchase suggestion lists for the week of July 20 are now available online. These include Majors book lists in four subject areas. There is also an Amazon suggestion list in the form of a shopping cart, viewable by entering the password "library." Please email me your book purchase recommendations from the Majors or Amazon lists, or from other sources.

No International Folkdancing This Week
No international folkdancing this week. Folkdancing will resume weekly every Thursday evening beginning August 5.

Fermilab Today