Decoration, first SXI image

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GOES SXI Latest News

GOES 13 -- January 22, 2007: The GOES-13 Post Launch Test (PLT) ended January 5, 2007. The spacecraft was put in storage mode until it is designated to replace the primary or secondary GOES satellite.

GOES 13 -- 2006 July 6: The GOES-13 SXI First Light Image, taken this morning at 9:11am (MT), now graces the revamped GOES SXI index page. The image was taken using a tin analysis filter, which, like previously flown polyimide filters, features a bandpass emphasizing lower-temperature coronal material.

The SEC SXI leadership would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped bring us to this point: The program office that orchestrated this entire effort, the Lockheed team who built this terrific instrument and successfully integrated it with Boeing into the spacecraft, the MOST team who planned and executed the instrument operations, and of course the SEC team that designed and built the data processing system to deliver this critical data stream in near real-time.

Browse image data (PNG format) will soon be available both on this website as well as on the NGDC SXI archive site, providing near real time data access similar to that for GOES-12 SXI. However, FITS format data will be unavailable until after post launch testing, which is scheduled to conclude near the end of the calendar year.

GOES 12 -- 2006 June 26: GOES 12 SXI continues to be operated at reduced voltage settings. Changes in voltage are being considered to support comparison of images with GOES 13.

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