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Apollo 11 Landing Site
Apollo 11 Landing Site
The landing site was selected in a smooth mare area primarily for reasons of mission safety. This is an Earth-based telescopic view. The arrow points to the landing site in the southern portion of Mare Tranquillitatis. The two large craters near the middle of the lower margin of the photograph are Theophilus and Cyrillus.

The rim of Theophilus Crater truncates (cuts across) the rim of Cyrillus Crater, indicating that Theophilus is the younger crater. Ejecta from Theophilus may be present in the vicinity of the Apollo 11 landing site. Craters in the vicinity of the landing site include Moltke (the bright-rayed crater to the lower right of the arrow), Sabine (left of arrow) and Maskelyne (upper right of arrow).

Image Credit: NASA, U.S. Air Force Photographic Lunar Atlas and Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona
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