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WASHINGTON, June 20, 2003 – Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is now accepting project proposals to begin the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program.

"This program will do more than fill empty stomachs and improve child nutrition," Veneman said. "It will bring hope and opportunity through education to some of the world’s poorest children. It is another of the many U.S. efforts to support sustainable development and reduce global hunger and poverty."

The key objectives are to reduce hunger and improve access to primary education, especially for girls. Named after former Senators George McGovern and Robert Dole, the program will build on the successes of USDA's previous pilot food for education initiative, which provided nutritious school meals to nearly 7 million children in 38 countries.

This program will enable USDA to provide U.S. agricultural commodities and financial and technical assistance to improve school enrollment, child development and food security. The program will support school and preschool feeding projects, as well as maternal, infant and child nutrition projects. The focus is on low-income countries that are striving to ensure an education for all children.

The 2002 Farm Bill authorized this new program to utilize $100 million in Commodity Credit Corporation funds to launch the program this year, with future funding to be linked to the completion of successful projects based on program criteria. The administration's proposed fiscal 2004 budget requests $50 million in appropriated funding, making $150 million available through September 2004. Decisions on fiscal 2005 funding will be based on evaluations of program performance in 2003 and 2004.

Eligibility requirements for organizations, foreign governments and other entities that may submit proposals to conduct projects are detailed in the implementing regulations, published in today’s Federal Register. They also can be found on the Web at Project proposals must be received by Monday, July 7, 2003.

Critical factors USDA will consider in evaluating the proposals include: the organization’s capability and experience; project planning and coordination; the method of selecting beneficiaries; and the number of children fed. USDA will begin approving proposals and committing funds after July 7.

USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service will administer the program. Project proposals for fiscal years 2003 and 2004 may be submitted online, by e-mail, or by regular mail. For information on submitting proposals or for further information on the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, go to the FAS website at or contact FAS at 202-720-4221. The website includes detailed guidelines and application instructions.

Responsibility for the program was delegated to the Secretary of Agriculture on March 11, 2003, by presidential memorandum. USDA published a proposed rule for public comment on March 26. The final rule published today addresses the comments received.


USDA Release No. 0221.03
FAS PR 0084-03

Contacts: Julie Quick (202) 720-4623
Eric Van Chantfort (202) 720-9443