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Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (CD-ROM based, Paper-Based)

(Course Available After Purchase)$125

Become aware of the seriousness and consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace. This course defines sexual harassment, reviews how employees document incidents of harassment, discusses methods of resolving sexual harassment complaints, and describes federal EEOC requirements. Equivalent to 16 classroom hours.

In this independent study online course, assistance is available as needed. Take up to six months to complete. (Course is available in both paper-based and CD versions: include a note with registration giving us your preference or call (303) 236-8500.)

Schedule: Enroll anytime. Take up to six months to complete. Register online or contract the Graduate School, USDA.

Who Should Attend?
Federal employees, supervisors and managers of any occupation or grade level.
Additional Information:
View Course Selection Guides.
  • Know the EEOC definition of sexual harassment
  • Define quid pro quo and hostile environment harassment
  • Use appropriate techniques for documenting incidents of sexual harassment
  • Know the federal resolution procedures for resolving sexual harassment complaints
  • Explain ways that victims should document incidences and what options they have to stop inappropriate behavior
  • Discuss employer liability in harassment cases
  • Syllabus:
    Syllabus -- Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, EEOP7003N, Grad. School, USDA


    Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace presents the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) definition of two types of sexual harassment -- quid pro quo and hostile environment. Other information provided is an overview of employer liability according to EEOC guidelines. The course also explains the ways a victim of sexual harassment can document incidents of harassment, including keeping a journal, getting a witness, confiding in a co-worker and writing a letter to the harasser.


    Lesson 1: What Is Sexual Harassment?

    • Legal Definition
    • Quid Pro Quo Harassment
    • Hostile Environment Harassment
    • A Common-Sense Definition
    • Sexual Behavior
    • Deliberate and/or Repeated
    • Not Welcome, Asked For, or Returned
    • Sexual Harassment Checklist
    • Summary

    Lesson 2: How Serious a Problem Is Sexual Harassment?

    • Commonness of Sexual Harassment
    • Federal Government Statistics
    • Business and Industry Statistics
    • Sexual Harassment Impact on Organizations and Employees
    • Legal Liability of Organizations
    • Settlement and Legal Costs
    • Cost in Human Terms
    • Victims
    • Co-workers
    • Harassers
    • Summary

    Lesson 3: What Do You Do If Sexual Harassment Occurs?

    • Confront the Harasser
    • State Objectives
    • Plan What to Say
    • Speak to the Harasser
    • Inform a Supervisor
    • Contact an EEO Counselor
    • Gather Evidence
    • Keep a Journal
    • Find a Witness
    • Confide in a Co-worker
    • Write a Letter
    • Document Health or Psychological Problems
    • Maintain Credibility
    • Be Professional
    • Be Sure Work Continues to Be of High Quality
    • Be Courteous and Respectful to Co-workers
    • Summary

    Lesson 4: What Are Resolution Procedures?

    • Resolution Procedures
    • The EEO Complaint Process
    • Initial Interview
    • Counselor Resolution Efforts
    • Final Interview
    • Formal Complaint
    • Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures
    • Negotiated Grievance Procedures
    • Summary
    Paper version available upon request.

    Course Details
    CODE:  EEOP7003N
    TYPE:  Distance Education
    LENGTH:  Up to 6 Month(s)
    CREDIT:  1.6 CEU
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