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EEO Counseling (Paper-Based)

(Course Available After Purchase)$165

Learn, as a federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) counselor, the processes for resolving allegations of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability. Equivalent to 32 classroom hours.

In this independent study paper-based course, assistance is available as needed. The course manual comes with a CD that supplements course content. Take up to six months to complete. (A CD-only version is also available: include a note with registration or call (303) 236-8500.)

Schedule: Enroll anytime. Take up to six months to complete. Register online or contact the Graduate School, USDA.

Who Should Attend?
Federal employees who have been designated by their agencies to serve as an EEO counselors.
Additional Information:
A supplemental CD-ROM is included with the course materials.
  • Identify who is covered by the federal EEO complaint process
  • Explain the complaint procedure to applicants, employees and management
  • Handle an EEO complaint, from informal through formal stages
  • Conduct interviews with aggrieved employees and management officials
  • Syllabus:
    Syllabus -- EEO Counseling, EEOP7002N, Grad. School, USDA

    COURSE DESCRIPTION EEO Counseling explains how the Federal EEO counselor attempts to resolve allegations of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and/or disability. The course covers the role of the counselor, the steps in the counseling process, formal complaints, and interviewing techniques the student must know to be a successful counselor.


    Lesson 1: Overview

    • Formal complaint is processed
    • Appeal to EEOC, OFO
    • Civil action in U.S. District Court
    • Definitions
    • Matters in Formal Complaints
    • Bases of Complaints Filed
    • Individual Matter
    • Class Matter
    • Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures
    • Calendar Days
    • Purpose of EEO Counseling
    • Resolve EEO Matters
    • Reach Resolution Informally
    • Reach Resolution Quickly
    • Role of the EEO Counselor
      • Educator
      • Facilitator
      • Translator
      • Messenger
      • Suggestion Maker
      • Face Saver
      • Target for Hostilities
    • Which Role? When?
    • How to Approach Resolution
    • Anti-Discrimination Laws and Executive Orders
      • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended)
      • Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967
      • Rehabilitation Act of 1973
      • Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963
      • Executive Order 11478
      • Executive Order 12106
      • 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1614
      • EEOC Management Directive 110 (EEO MD-110)
    • Procedural Requirements
    • Time Limit
    • EEO Counselor Must Give Written Notices
    • Special Procedures for Related Processes
    • Rights and Responsibilities of Aggrieved Person
      • Class Complaint Procedures and Responsibilities of Class Agent
      • EEO Complaint Process
    • Other Rights
      • Entitlement to Official Time
      • Attorney's Fees

    Lesson 2: Resolution Efforts

    • Step One -- Preparing for EEO Counseling
      • Discuss Your EEO Counselor Duties With Your Supervisor
      • Arrange for EEO Counseling Space
    • Step Two -- Conducting Initial Interviews
      • Representative
      • Timely Contact
    • The Actual Interview
      • Give Basic Information
      • Listen to the Allegation
      • Analyze the Allegation
      • Determine Resolution Desired
      • Close the Initial Interview
    • Meeting With Management
      • Explain Procedures
      • Explain the Matter
      • Get Management's Response
      • Negotiations
      • Reasonable Accommodation
    • Step Three -- Assessing the Situation
      • Consider Factors in Specific Counseling Situation
      • Nature of Situation and Characteristics of Dispute
      • Relationships
      • Additional Information
      • Parties' Participation
      • Counselor's Participation
      • Develop Resolution Strategy
      • Conduct Inquiry
    • Step Four -- Determining Resolution Techniques
      • Basic Resolution Techniques
      • Barriers to Informal Resolution
      • Joint Meetings
      • Separate Meetings
      • Telephone Communication
    • Step Five -- Attempting Resolution
      • Joint Meeting Techniques
      • Separate Meeting Techniques
      • Telephone Communication Techniques

    Lesson 3: Terminating Counseling
    • Step Six - Terminating Counseling
      • Time Limits
      • Extension
      • Right to File a Formal Complaint
      • Successful Resolution
      • Settlement Agreement
      • Unsuccessful Resolution
      • Final Interview
      • Right to File Formal Complaint
      • Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint
      • EEO Counselor's Report
      • Contents of the Report
      • Counselor's Notes
      • Briefing EEO Officer
      • Case Studies

    Lesson 4: Formal Complaint

      • Aggrieved person files a formal complaint
      • Agency acknowledges receipt of complaint
      • Agency dismisses
      • Complainant appeals to EEOC, Office of Federal Operations (OFO)
      • Upholds agency dismissal
      • Orders agency to accept
      • Agency accepts
      • Investigation
      • Investigative file and notice issued
      • Hearing
      • Final agency decision
    • Appeals to EEOC, Office of Federal Operations (OFO)
    • Civil action in U.S. District Court
    • Complainant satisfied - matter resolved

    Lesson 5: Interviews

    • Psychology of Interviewing
    • Room Arrangement
    • Body Language
    • Communication Techniques
    • Questions
      • Direct
      • Open-End
      • Reflective
      • Unfinished
    • Other Techniques
    • Conducting Interviews
      • Opening
      • Put Person At Ease
      • Explain Your Role
      • Explain Rights and Procedures
      • Explain Planned Actions
      • Wrap-Up
    • Interviews: Ideal Versus Real
      • Quiet Person
      • Talkative Person
      • Argumentative Person
      • "The Wanderer"
    • Your Goal
    • Counselor Responsibility
    • Initial Interview Checklist
    • Guide for Conducting a Joint Meeting
    • Guide to Age Complaints
    • Civil Action
    • EEO Complaint Process
    • EEO Officer Checklist

    Course Details
    CODE:  EEOP7002N
    TYPE:  Distance Education
    LENGTH:  Up to 6 Month(s)
    CREDIT:  3.2 CEU
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