ODP Information Bulletin
No. 176 June 13, 2005

TO: Captains of the Port (COTP)
MARAD Regional Directors
FROM: Matt A. Mayer
Acting Executive Director
SUBJECT: FY 2005 Port Security Grant Program - Application Submission Naming Conventions

The Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (SLGCP) has received a number of applications for the FY05 Port Security Grant (PSG) Program that have not used the required document naming conventions for the program narrative, project plan(s), and project budget(s) files. As a result, SLGCP is issuing this bulletin to emphasize the required naming conventions that applicants must use when submitting documents to the Grants Management System (GMS) for the FY05 PSG Program.

On Section IV (page 12), and again in Appendix A (page D-1), of the FY05 PSG Program application kit, it is stated that: "Applicants must use the naming convention below when uploading the program narrative, project plans, and budgets. Refer to Appendix D for the appropriate abbreviations for the COTP Zones.

COTP Zone_Port Area_Name of Applicant_Document Type_Project Number

Example #1 - PWS_Valdez_State Ferry System_Program Narrative
Example #2 - PWS_Valdez_State Ferry System_Project Plan_Project 1
Example #3 - PWS_Valdez_State Ferry Syste_Project Budget_Project 1"


For additional information concerning eligibility and grant guidelines, please refer to the PSG Program application kit at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/fundopps.htm. To view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please visit http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp/grant_programs.htm and click on the FY 2005 Port Security Grant Program link.

Questions related to this grant program may be directed to portsecuritygrants@dhs.gov or the SLGCP Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk at askcsid@dhs.gov, 1-800-368-6498.