ODP Information Bulletin
No. 173 June 03, 2005

TO: Captains of the Port (COTP)
MARAD Regional Directors
All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact
FROM: Matt A. Mayer
Acting Executive Director
SUBJECT: FY 2005 Port Security Grant Program - Change or Revision to the PSG05 Application Kit

After further consultation with our partners, the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness has determined certain sonar devices that will not damage the environment or require special permitting under the National Environmental Policy Act are eligible for funding under the Fiscal Year 2005 Port Security Grant Program. The four types of eligible sonar devices are: imaging sonar, scanning sonar, side scan sonar, and 3-dimensional sonar. These types of sonar devices are intended to support the detection of underwater improvised explosive devices (IED). The eligible types of sonar, and short descriptions of their capabilities, are provided below:

  • Imaging sonar is a high-frequency sonar that produces "video-like" imagery using a narrow field of view. The sonar system can be pole-mounted over the side of a craft or hand carried by a diver.

  • Scanning sonar consists of smaller sonar systems that can be mounted on tripods and lowered to the bottom of the waterway. Scanning sonar produces a panoramic view of the surrounding area and can cover up to 360 degrees.

  • Side scan sonar is placed inside of a shell and towed behind a vessel. Side scan sonar produces strip-like images from both sides of the device.

  • 3-Dimensional sonar produces 3-dimensional imagery of objects using an array receiver.


For additional information concerning eligibility and grant guidelines, please refer to the PSG Program application kit at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/fundopps.htm. To view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please visit http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp/grant_programs.htm and click on the FY 2005 Port Security Grant Program link.

Questions related to this grant program may be directed to portsecuritygrants@dhs.gov or the SLGCP Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk at askcsid@dhs.gov, 1-800-368-6498.