ODP Information Bulletin
No. 140 November 16, 2004

TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact
All State Homeland Security Directors
All Urban Area Core City/Core County Points of Contact
FROM: C. Suzanne Mencer
Executive Director
SUBJECT: Advanced Commercial Vehicle Criminal and Terrorist Interdiction Training

Based on numerous requests, the Office for Domestic Preparedness has reviewed and is hereby announcing its approval of curriculum submitted through the Florida State Administrative Agency. The following course is now approved for use of ODP grant funds based on the conditions enumerated below.

PERFORMANCE LEVEL: Advanced Commercial Vehicle Criminal and Terrorist Interdiction Training

The course provides training for sworn police officers and sworn transportation inspectors who execute inspections and enforcement actions relating to over the road commercial traffic. The goal of this course is to help law enforcement detect/deter/interrupt the potential delivery of weapons of mass destruction via over the road vehicles.

The delivery of this course must be consistent with the implementation of the approved State or Urban Area Homeland Security Plan and the priorities enumerated therein. The course may be delivered provided the following conditions are met:

  • Since the course deals with issues of investigation, arrest, search and seizure, its use with respect to DHS funding should be limited to sworn officers in venues whose core functions focus on commercial enforcement.
  • Considering the high risk that may accompany compartment searches containing weapons of mass destruction, the State or Urban Area must cite and verify the following prerequisites during the student selection process
    • completion of awareness level training in incident command AND
    • completion of awareness level training in WMD or hazardous materials training. This hazardous materials certification shall comply with 29 CFR 1910 to promote officer safety.

Further requests for information should be directed to the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk at 1-800-368-6498.