ODP Information Bulletin
No. 139 October 28, 2004

TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact
All State Homeland Security Directors
All State Emergency Management Directors
FROM: C. Suzanne Mencer
Executive Director
SUBJECT: Guidance for Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES) User Training Costs

On October 11, 2004, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sent correspondence to State Homeland Security Advisors outlining the availability of a new training initiative to improve collaboration and information sharing among all Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN)/Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES) users and to encourage all JRIES users to attend the available training seminars. In support of this training initiative, the Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) is expanding allowable training-related costs under FY 2004 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) and FY 2004 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) program guidance for costs associated with the attendance of State and local employees at these DHS-sponsored JRIES User Training seminars. Allowable training-related costs include travel, overtime, and backfill costs to replace personnel who are attending the DHS JRIES User Training seminars. These costs will also be allowable in the FY 2005 HSGP.

The DHS JRIES User Training is recommended for current JRIES users, including:

  • State Homeland Security Advisors and their staff
  • State Emergency Managers and their staff
  • Local Homeland Security Advisors and their staff
  • Local Emergency Managers and their staff
  • State Police
  • Local Police, and
  • Other state and local government officials

Travel costs for those attending the DHS JRIES User Training seminars, such as airfare, mileage, per diem, and hotel, are allowable as expenses and must be in accordance with State law as highlighted in the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. States must also follow State regulations regarding travel. If a State or territory does not have a travel policy they must follow federal guidelines and rates, as explained in the OJP Financial Guide. For further information on federal law pertaining to travel costs please refer to www.ojp.usdoj.gov/FinGuide.

As mentioned previously in the memo, overtime and backfill costs are allowable under this initiative. Payment of overtime expenses will be for work performed in excess of the established work week (usually 40 hours). These costs are allowed only to the extent the payment for such services is in accordance with the policies of the State or unit(s) of local government and has the approval of the State or the awarding agency, whichever is applicable. In no case is dual compensation allowable.

The HSIN initiative is a computer-based counterterrorism communications network designed to strengthen the two-way flow of threat information. The HSIN communications system delivers real-time interactive connectivity among State and local partners and with the DHS Homeland Security Operations Center through the JRIES. JRIES, as the core system within HSIN, is a secure network and composed of a suite of applications currently operating at the sensitive but unclassified level. The prevention of terrorist attacks is the primary mission of the expanded JRIES network, and it may also be used as a collaboration, planning, and communications tool for facilitating the general homeland security mission across all jurisdictions nation-wide. JRIES also serves as a means for supporting crisis management and recovery operations after a terrorist attack, as well as during and after a natural disaster.

Please work directly with Ms. Kimmeta Black in the HSIN Program Office to identify and coordinate suitable dates, facilities, and attendees for the DHS JRIES User Training. Ms. Black can be reached via e-mail at kimmeta.black@associates.dhs.gov or by phone at 202-282-8331. The letter attached was sent to the State Homeland Security Advisors on the JRIES User Training seminars.

If you have any questions or for further information, please contact your ODP Preparedness Officer or the ODP Helpline at (800) 368-6498.