ODP Information Bulletin No. 00-011 August 14, 2000 TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact FROM: C.H. "Butch" Straub, II Director SUBJECT: Availability of On-Line Data Collection Tool Local Jurisdiction Data Entry Module The Local Jurisdiction Data Entry Module for the on-line data collection tool has now been activated by the Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP), Office of Justice Programs (OJP). As you know, the on-line data collection tool is being made available for States who choose to use this method to submit needs assessment data and strategic plans. The Local Jurisdiction Data Entry Module will allow local first responder and public health jurisdiction users with valid user id's and passwords to enter and save data. As a reminder, before attempting to enter and save data, all local first responder jurisdiction users must be approved to use the system by the State Contact from their state's State Administrative Agency (SAA). Likewise, all local public health jurisdiction users must be approved by the State Public Health Representative designated by the State Contact. This approval process is managed through the on-line data collection tool's User Registration Module, and includes the issuance of user id's and passwords to approved local jurisdiction users. The Local Jurisdiction Data Entry Module and the User Registration Module may be accessed from the ODP home page located at the following URL: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp. Icons for the tool are located under "What's New" on the home page, as well as on the Assessments and Grant pages. After you locate the icon, simply click on "Local Jurisdiction Data Entry Module" or "User Registration Module" and follow the instructions provided. For technical assistance with the on-line data collection tool, you may contact the OJP toll-free help line at: 1-888-549-9901. Assistance with the public health assessment may be obtained by calling the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention help line at: 1-800-747-7649. You may also contact your ODP program manager for additional information and assistance related to conduct of the needs assessment and development of your three-year state strategy.