ODP Information Bulletin
No. 170 - May 20, 2005

TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads
All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact
All State Homeland Security Directors
All State Emergency Management Directors
FROM: Matt Mayer, Acting Executive Director
SUBJECT: FY 2005 ISIP Data Validation Process

Thank you for the timely submission of your Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 Initial Strategy Implementation Plan (ISIP). To ensure the continuation of high quality in grant reporting, SLGCP will conduct a review and validation of all ISIPs in coordination with the State Administrative Agencies (SAAs). As with previous submissions, the data review will be conducted using a set of success criteria that is based on the reporting requirements outlined in FY 2005 grant application kits.

Data Validation Process

  • Validation will commence on May 24, 2005 for all states that have submitted the FY 2005 ISIP and have completed the Biannual Strategy Implementation Review (BSIR) validation process.
  • SAAs will be notified if their FY2005 ISIP does not meet the success criteria and will be provided with a set of validation reports that contain summary information about their submission as it relates to the success criteria.
  • The data correction process will commence once a Preparedness Officer has entered a "Change Request" in the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT), thereby unlocking the data for further modifications.
  • SAAs will be required to revise and resubmit their ISIP via the GRT within 5 business days after the "Change Request" has been posted to the system.
  • Technical Assistance will be available to help facilitate the timely correction of any errors identified and should be coordinated through the Preparedness Officer as outlined in the appendix.

Data Validation Success Criteria

Success Criteria Validation Description
1. BSIR submission dollars equal grant awards within the allowable reporting discrepancy Funding totals OVER the total grant award
States cannot report grant funding expenditures that exceed the total grant award; i.e. states cannot exceed the grant award funding total $1.
Funding totals UNDER the total grant award
Due to decimal truncation, program funding totals may be under the grant award by $1 per subgrantee receiving funding from that grant program.
2. Compliance with the 80/20 pass through requirement within 60 days* All states have passed through no less than 80% of each FY05 grant program to local jurisdictions.

Each SAA must certify that 80% of the total grant award has been passed to the local jurisdictions within 60 days of the award
3. All subgrantees receiving UASI funding are aligned to an urban area All subgrantees that receive urban area funding have aligned themselves with an Urban Area
4. Projects receiving UASI/TSP funding are aligned to an Urban Area Strategy Goal All projects funded by UASI/TSP funding are aligned to an Urban Area Strategy Goal
5. SAA and/or other state agencies have complied with MOU requirements* All funding held by the SAA on behalf of a local jurisdiction is secured with an official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in place; Missing MOUs will be flagged and must be in place by the FY 2005 BSIR.
6. 'Other' goal category only selected to capture projects that do not map to a current goal but will map to a goal that is under revision Less than 10% of total grant award is allocated to projects linked to 'Other' as a strategic goal; protocols are currently being developed for this reporting cycle. Submissions that allocate more than 10% will be flagged and must be allocated to a specific goal identified in the strategic plan by the FY 2005 BSIR. This flag will not stop approval of the ISIP by ODP. However, the submission must still be corrected in a timely manner.

When an ISIP submission has met all of the success criteria and is approved by the Preparedness Officer, the submission is considered final and no further action is required. The submission will be available for reference in a read-only format until the next reporting cycle.

* The Emergency Management Program Grant and Citizen Corp. Program are managed at the SAA level and thus not subject to the pass-through and MOU requirements.


FY04 ISIP Technical Assistance Scheduling Process

All requests for technical assistance must be made in writing and sent through the SAA to SLGCP. This process consists of the following steps:

(1) State and local jurisdictions applying for TA must submit a written request (e-mail is acceptable) to their SAA. In order to expedite the TA request process, the requestor can use the "TA Service Request" form (which can be found in Appendix "A" of the Technical Assistance Catalog: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp/docs/ODP_TA_Catalog.pdf). This form can serve as the formal TA request.

(2) The SAA evaluates the request to ensure concurrence with the State's strategy goals and objectives.

(3) If the SAA determines the request is in-line with the strategy, the SAA sends the request to the appropriate ODP State Preparedness Officer.

(4) Following a final review, the Preparedness Officer forwards the request to the appropriate ODP TA Managers.

For further information on requesting technical assistance, contact the ODP Preparedness Officer assigned to your State. You can also call the CSID at (800) 368-6498 or email askcsid@dhs.gov.