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The Office of the United States Trade Representative

Members of the Office of Southeast Asia and Pacific Affairs

Telephone Number for Office: 202-395-6813

Office Staff:

Barbara Weisel

Assistant U.S. Trade Representative
Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Douglas Bell
Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative
Southeast Asia and the Pacific 

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore

David Bisbee
Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific

  • Cambodia
  • Laos
      • Thailand
      • Vietnam
      • ASEAN

      Karl Ehlers
      Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific

      • Brunei
      • Indonesia
      • Philippines
      • ASEAN

      Naniette Coleman
      Deputy Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific

      • Pacific Islands
      • Timor-Leste
      • ASEAN

      Janice Shields
      Administrative Assistant