Equipment Funded
The Authorized Equipment List (AEL) was derived from the Standard Equipment List (SEL), which was developed by the Interagency Board (IAB) for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability. Changes and additions to the AEL reflect input from State and local responders and demonstrate a continued commitment to better serve the nation. The AEL has expanded beyond the initial focus on personal protective, detection, and communications equipment and is updated regularly. The Authorized Equipment List includes the following twenty-one categories and applies to twelve grant programs:
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Equipment - Explosive Device Mitigation and Remediation
- CBRNE Operational and Search and Rescue Equipment
- Information Technology Equipment
- Cyber Security Enhancement Equipment
- Interoperable Communications Equipment
- Detection Equipment
- Decontamination Equipment
- Medical Equipment
- Power Equipment
- CBRNE Reference Materials
- CBRNE Incident Response Vehicles
- Terrrorism Incident Prevention Equipment
- Physical Security Enhancement Equipment
- Inspection and Screening Systems
- Agricultural Terrorism Prevention, Response, and Mitigation Equipment
- CBRNE Prevention and Response Watercraft
- CBRNE Aviation Equipment
- CBRNE Logistical Support Equipment
- Intervention Equipment
- Other Authorized Equipment
Please reference specific program guidelines to review the list of authorized equipment eligible for purchase through that particular grant program.
Click here to download an official version of the Authorized Equipment List in PDF format. An interactive version of the Authorized Equipment List is available
on the Responder Knowledge Base at