NASA Organization

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Kennedy Space Center Organizational Chart
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Kennedy Organizational Business Profiles

Center Director (AA)
Kennedy Space Center's strategic core business is to provide space systems processes, test and launch techniques, and develop associated technologies that assist NASA in advancing space exploration and commerce. In leading KSC to success, the Center Director and executive staff set, communicate, and deploy Agency/Enterprise/KSC values and performance expectations; allocate resources and evaluate performance; and align KSC to meet Agency, Enterprise, and future customer expectations.

Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (AJ)
The Equal Opportunity Office ensures a progressive and effective EO program at the Kennedy Space Center that meets Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), NASA, and Center goals and objectives.

Human Resources Office (BA)
The Human Resources Office is a proactive organization that champions diversity and is innovative in providing consistent, high quality human capital management solutions to KSC employees and the general public.

Office of Chief Counsel (CC)
The Chief Counsel’s Office provides proactive and preventive legal/business advice and services to customers on all areas of law and policy which affect KSC operations/interests and the implementation of the NASA Strategic Plan.

Office of Chief Engineer (EA)
The Directorate provides leadership in the development, implementation, and management of the Center’s Systems Management and Business Systems policies, processes, and standards, and enables the successful execution of the Programs and Projects by performing independent assessment and providing technical consultation.

Office of Chief Financial Officer (GG)
The Chief Financial Officer provides for the centralized planning and analysis of all KSC Project and Program resources and provides the focal point to ensure a uniform Center posture for the development and execution of resources decisions. As a service organization, the Office is charged with the statutory responsibility for the financial management activities of the Center and the functional management responsibilities for oversight of all KSC Project and Program financial operations.

Information Technology and Communications Services Directorate (IT)
The IT directorate provides development, integration, and operations in supporting the current and advanced information technology and communications needs of KSC institutional and NASA program customers.

Cape Canaveral Spaceport Management Office (JP)
The Cape Canaveral Spaceport Management Office provides contract management and administration for J-BOSC, utilizing innovative business practices, assuring high levels of customer satisfaction in a cost-effective manner. The office seeks opportunities for improvement via consolidated services between the 45 SW and KSC.

Applied Technology Directorate (KT)
The Applied Technology Directorate provides the capabilities to identify, develop, test, and integrate new technologies to support NASA mission objectives and goals. The Directorate seeks out existing technologies, performs modifications to meet program-specific requirements, demonstrates new technologies in prototypic environments, and develops upgrades as requirements change. The Directorate maintains an advisory and consultant role over such technologies through the implementation and operational readiness phases. The Directorate also serves as the Center’s focal point for technology transfer and implementation of the long-range research and development plan ensuring alignment with the Agency’s goals and priorities.

Constellation Project Office (LX)
The Project Office assures Constellation Program requirements delegated to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ground operations are performed as defined; provides technical leadership for assessing development approaches to satisfy ground operations requirements and resolving key technical issues; advocates and facilitates the management, integration, and execution of the Safety and Mission Assurance functions; and provides technical leadership for requirement development and project planning on future elements such as the Lander, the Rover, Com/Nav, and Habitat operations requirements allocated to the Center from the Constellation Program.

Engineering Directorate (NE)
The Engineering Directorate is responsible for developing and maintaining an experienced, skilled engineering workforce that designs, builds, sustains, operates, maintains, and oversee Ground Support Equipment (GSE), facilities, ground systems, and flight systems to meet current and future space flight customer needs. The Director is responsible for leading the Directorate and establishing partnerships with customers and stakeholders. The Engineering Director is Kennedy's Chief Engineer. The Deputy for Technical provides technical guidance and direction to ensure the organization’s products are safe, technically sound, and meet established Agency, Center, and program requirements. The Deputy also performs the role of Deputy Chief Engineer for KSC and acts on all matters in the Chief Engineer’s absence.

Procurement Office (OP)
The Procurement Office acquires goods and services in accordance with all statutes, rules, regulations, and policies applicable to Kennedy Space Center; to effectively support Kennedy Space Center directorates in the acquisition process while promoting efficient job performance and integrity; and supports the mission and the goals established through the NASA strategic planning process.

Launch Vehicle Processing Directorate (PH)
The Shuttle Processing Directorate maintains world-class expertise in all elements of processing and applies that expertise to current and future human space flight challenges.

Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate (SA)
The Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Directorate integrally sustains and strengthens the success of the Kennedy Space Center mission serving as an independent, value-added partner and Agency leader in S&MA expertise. The Directorate plans, establishes, implements, and directs all S&MA functions for KSC responsible activities ensuring compliance with Federal, Agency, Program, KSC, and contract S&MA requirements and controls.

Center Operations (TA)
Center Operations is responsible for the overall management and direction of Center activities with functions associated with Propellants and Fluids, Occupational Health, Medical Operations Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Programs, Protective Services, Logistics, Contract Property Administration, Center Services, NASA Aircraft Operations, Export Control, Materials Science Laboratory, and the Workers’ Compensation Program. The management of these activities is in support of the Space Shuttle program, International Space Station program, Exploration program, Launch Services Programs, and the Cape Canaveral Spaceport vision. This directorate also includes the Radiation Protection Officer, Emergency Preparedness Officer, the Center Continuity of Operations Coordinator, and the Center Security Officer.

ISS and Spacecraft Processing Directorate (UB)
The International Space Station/Payload Processing directorate directs and manages the launch site support, ground processing, and integration of Space Shuttle payloads, payload carriers, and Space Station components including assembly elements, resupply cargo, and utilization experiments. The directorate manages the site facilities, ground support equipment, checkout systems, and ground transportation systems.

Launch Services Program (VA)
The Launch Services Program provides leadership, expertise and cost effective services in the areas of commercial launch services and payload carriers to satisfy Agency-wide space transportation requirements and maximizes the opportunity for mission success.

External Relations (XA)
The organization provides policy guidance, direction, and evaluation in areas of responsibility and establish policy and standards related to Kennedy Space Center’s (KSC’s) overall image, Government relations, community relations, stakeholder feedback, partnerships, education, public outreach, media services, guest operations, protocol, and the NASA brand. In addition, the Directorate is responsible for the KSC Visitor Complex concession agreement, as well as oversight of the KSC History Program. The Director serves as KSC’s Primary Public Affairs Officer. The Center Director has delegated to the Director, External Relations, the responsibility to manage the Center’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) function. The FOIA Officer is responsible for managing the Freedom of Information Act Program for the Center by responding to requests from the public seeking NASA-KSC Government records, pursuant to Federal law 5 U.S.C. §552.