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Benefits For Widows and Widowers


Your spouse will be eligible for benefits on your record when you die.

In order to qualify, your spouse must:

  • be at least 60 years old (or 50 if disabled);
  • be any age if caring for a child who is eligible for benefits on your record;
  • not be eligible for an equal or higher benefit on his or her own record; and
  • not be currently married, unless the remarriage occurred after age 60 or 50 for disabled widows/widowers.

(In cases of remarriage after the age of 60, your spouse will be eligible for a widow's or widower's benefit on your record or a dependent's benefit on the record of his or her new spouse, whichever is higher.)

Benefits for Surviving Divorced Spouses

If you've been divorced, your former wife or husband can get benefits under the same circumstances as your widow or widower if your marriage lasted 10 years or more. Your former spouse, however, does not have to meet the length-of-marriage rule if she or he is caring for your child who is under 16 or disabled and who is also getting benefits on your Social Security record. The child must be your former spouse's natural or legally adopted child. Benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse who is 60 or older (at least 50 if disabled) will not affect the benefit rates for other survivors getting benefits.

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Last reviewed or modified Monday Jan 14, 2008
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