Press Room

August 7, 2006

Joint Statement of Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr.,
and Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
on Colombian and Western Hemisphere Democracy and Progress

"Today, the people of Colombia are celebrating the inauguration of President Alvaro Uribe, who has continued his country's journey on the path of democracy, peace and prosperity.  Colombians should be proud of their fight against terrorism and narco-traficking, and of the strength of their democracy as demonstrated by their recent open and fair elections.  The Colombian people have also wisely linked their future to promoting economic freedom and investment so as to raise living standards.  And they have supported President Uribe's work to strengthen public finances, reduce inflation, and target public spending to reach the poor.  Colombia's record has shown the effectiveness of these policies for reducing poverty as well as for sustaining growth.  The United States will continue to support Colombia on its historic journey.

"Indeed, over the last few decades positive change has swept throughout the Hemisphere, expanding democracy, the rule of law, economic reforms and social justice.  While some would turn the clock back to an undemocratic past of restricted freedoms, and stunted economies, today the vast majority of people in the Americas live in democracy, peace, and increasing opportunity.

"The march of hemispheric progress will continue, and it remains the responsibility of democracies to nurture and support the spread of liberty.

"We salute the freedom loving people of Colombia and the region for their struggle to build free and democratic societies."

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