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More palm/explore links:

+ Quick Start Guide

+ Overview of System Resources

+ Filesystem Access and Policies

+ Programming Environment

+ Batch Queues

+ Software and Tools

palm Quick Start Guide

The SGI Altix systems at the NCCS are all accessed through a single front end system. A total of 1,152 Itanium2 processors are available in four system images for a combined totall of almost 7 TFLOP/s. For links to more information on palm, see the NCCS Systems Overview.

The examples in the guide below answer general questions and provide a quick start for users accessing the Altix compute resources.

Step 01: Connect to the SGI Altix front end (palm) from your workstation (ssh)
Step 02: Choose your login shell
Step 03: Modify your .cshrc and .login startup files (users of both Altix and Irix environments)
Step 04: Transfer files from your workstation (scp) to the SGI Altix systems
Step 05: Transfer files from the SGI Altix systems to your workstation
Step 06: Load, unload, and swap modules
Step 07: Compile and run your code (Fortran, C/C++)
Step 08: Use Message Passing Interface Model (MPI, SHMEM)
Step 09: Solve any problems encountered with compiling MPI applications
Step 10: Use OpenMP (OMP)
Step 11: Submit a job to the batch queue (qsub, PBS)
Step 12: Run interactive jobs on SGI Altix compute hosts
Step 13: Use performance analysis tools
Step 14: Use debugging tools
Step 15: Software on the SGI Altix systems (mathematical library, netCDF, HDF)
Step 16: Use visualization tools (NCAR graphics, idt, GrADS)
Step 17: Use file systems and data storage
Step 18: Sample PBS Script
Step 19: Using Quota command

Step 1: Connect to the SGI Altix front end (palm) from your workstation (ssh)

System access is allowed only through the secure shell (ssh) command and only from an authorized workstation. If you receive an access denied error when attempting the following commands, most likely your workstation address is not entered into the hosts.allow file. In that case please contact the NCCS User Services Group with your workstation address.

If your workstation address is entered in the hosts.allow file, then enter the following command:

% ssh

At the PASSCODE: prompt, enter your 4-digit NCCS PIN + 6-digit Authentication Key Token tokencode, together as one number, with no spaces.

At the host: prompt, enter the name palm (the name of the Altix front end). Finally enter your password at the password prompt. Note that only the Altix front end is accessible for direct logins; all other compute nodes in the Altix environment must be accessed through PBS.

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Step 2: Choose your login shell

All new users will have their default login shell set to /bin/bash. To change your default login shell, contact the NCCS User Services Group. To change your shell temporarily, issue the csh, sh, or bsh commands as applicable.

The startup files for C shell are .login and .cshrc. The startup file for Posix shell is .profile. Sample startup files are available.

Save changes to the .cshrc file by issuing the command:

% source .cshrc

Be sure to include the dot in front of cshrc.

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Step 3: Modify your .cshrc and .login startup files (users of both Altix and Irix environments)

Since the home file systems for both the SGI Altix and Irix systems are shared, it may be necessary to put architecture specific options into your login files to set up the environment you desire. When using bash, sh, or ksh, you may include the following syntax in your .profile, .login, or .bashrc file to set up a different environment when logging into either the Altix or the Irix systems:

SYSTYPE=`/bin/uname -m`
if [ "$SYSTYPE" == "" ] ; then
   SYSTYPE=`/usr/bin/uname -m`
   if [ "$SYSTYPE" == "" ] ; then
      echo "Cannot determine system architecture"
if [ "$SYSTYPE" != "ia64" -a "$SYSTYPE" != "IP35" ] ; then
   echo "Invalid system architecture"
if [ "$SYSTYPE" == "IP35" ] ; then
   echo "Put IRIX specifics here"
elif [ "$SYSTYPE" == "ia64" ] ; then
   echo "Put Altix specifics here"

When using csh or tcsh, the following syntax may be included into your .cshrc file to set up a different environment when logging into either the Altix or the Irix systems:

switch ( `uname -m` )
  case ia64:
      setenv SYSTYPE ia64
      echo "Put Altix specifics here"
  case IP35:
      setenv SYSTYPE IP35
      echo "Put IRIX specifics here"
      setenv SYSTYPE unknown
      echo "Unable to determine SYSTYPE"

Similar things can be done based on hostname or O/S type. Adding the above to your login files will ensure that you set up the correct software modules or system specific environment variables at login.

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Step 4: Transfer files from your workstation (scp) to the SGI Altix systems

You cannot transfer files, such as data sets or application files, directly to the Altix front end; you must use the mass storage platform (dirac) to transfer files from outside to inside the NCCS environment.

Use the secure copy command (scp) to transfer your code or data from your workstation to dirac. For more information, issue the command man scp or see our ssh page for more information.

To scp the file “myfile&rdquo from your workstation's home directory; to your dirac home directory, issue the following command:

scp /home/myfile

Similar to an initial login, you will be asked to provide both your PASSCODE and your password. Note that this is your dirac password and not your SGI Altix password, which may be different.

Depending on whether or not your login directory is set up to be your home directory on dirac, files may be transferred either to your home directory or your mass storage directory. Your home directory, mass storage directory, nobackup file systems, and others are available on dirac. Note that it is important to check your origin and destination directories carefully before transferring any files to avoid accidentally overwriting data.

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Step 5: Transfer files from the SGI Altix systems to your workstation

If you are set up to transfer files to your own workstation using a service such as scp, for example, if your workstation is running an ssh server, you can initiate a scp from the SGI Altix front end to your workstation using the following command:

scp your_local_userid@your_workstation_address:myfile myfile

This will transfer your file to your home directory on your own workstation.

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Step 6: Load, unload, and swap modules

Several versions of the Intel compilers and other support applications are available for users on the SGI Atlix systems. These applications are loaded into your environment through the use of modules. When you log into the Altix system, there are several modules loaded by default. To see which modules you currently have loaded, issue the following command:

% module list

To see which modules are available to you, issue this command:

% module avail

The output will display a complete list of modules that are available to be loaded into your environment. You can load, unload, and even swap modules using the module command. For more information about the module command, see the man module page.

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Step 7: Compile and run your code (Fortran, C/C++)

The Intel compiler suite is installed on all of the SGI Altix systems, but the command used to compile your application depends on which of several versions of the Intel compiler suite you are using. To see which version you have loaded, issue the module list command.

To compile your application with Intel compilers before version 8, issue one of the following commands, depending on whether you are compiling Fortran or C code:

% ecc myprogram.c   (for C/C++ code)

% efc myprogram.f   (for Fortran code)

To compile with the Intel compilers version 8 and later, issue one of the following commands:

% icc myprogram.c   (for C/C++ code)

% ifc myprogram.f   (for Fortran code)

Many different optimization options are available, and the man pages outline all available options.

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Step 8: Use Message Passing Interface Model (MPI, SHMEM)

To compile programs using MPI and link with the necessary MPI libraries, the following option needs to be added to the compilation command, with the assumption that the necessary mpi.h headers are included in the source:

% ecc myprogram.c -lmpi (for C/C++ code)

% efc myprogram.f -lmpi (for Fortran code)

For more information about MPI in general, see the man mpi page. For an index and some examples of MPI, refer to the <link MPI Forum Standard Index>.

Complementary to MPI, a shared memory model (SHMEM) can also be used in programs. See the man shmem page for more information. Assuming the necessary headers are included in the source (C/C++ applications require mpp/shmem.h), use the following commands to compile your applications:

% ecc myprogram.c -lsma  (for C/C++ code)

% efc myprogram.f -lsma  (for Fortran code)

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Step 9: Solve any problems encountered with compiling MPI applications

Sometimes modules cause problems when loaded in the necessary library paths for the compilers. If you receive the following error when compiling an MPI application:

catastrophic error: could not open source file "mpi.h"

the compiler is having difficulty finding the necessary MPI libraries. There are a couple of ways to solve this problem. First, you can simply add the MPI path options to the compilation line to point the compiler to the MPI libraries and include files as follows:

% ecc myprogram.c -I/opt/sgi/mpt/1.11-100/include -L/opt/sgi/mpt/1.11-100/lib –lmpi

Note that this example assumes you are using MPT library version Again, to see which version you are using and to get more information about the paths to the library and include files, issue the following commands:

% module list

% module display mpt.

Another way of solving this problem is to module swap to a later compiler. The following command will swap a version 7 compiler for version 8 compiler, which usually solves the catastrophic error mentioned above:

% module swap intel-comp .7.1.042 intel-comp.8.1.030

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Step 10: Use OpenMP (OMP)

OpenMP is an extension to standard Fortran, C, and C+ that supports shared memory parallel execution. Users can fairly easily add directives to their source code to parallelize their applications and specify certain properties of variables. To compile your application with OpenMP, issue the –openmp option to the Intel compiler:

% ecc myprogram.c –lopenmp     (C/C++ code)

% efc myprogram.f –lopenmp     (Fortran code)

The Intel compiler supports the OpenMP 2 standard, and MPI and OpenMP can be used to create a mixed-mode parallel approach. More information is available in the Intel Fortran compiler User's Guides.

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Step 11: Submit a job to the batch queue (qsub, PBS)

To access the compute hosts in the Altix environment, you must submit jobs to the batch queues. See Batch Queues on the SGI Altix for more information about the available batch queues on the Altix system and the amount of resources that can be requested. For more information consult man pbs.

In general, you will create a batch script and then issue that batch script to PBS using the following command:

% qsub myscript

This assumes that all the necessary requirements are included in the batch script itself using comments. Note that you must provide your Computational Project (formerly Sponsor Code Account) while running a batch script. Use the getsponsor command to get your Computational Project information.

To see the status of your job, issue the following command:

% qstat -a

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Step 12: Run interactive jobs on SGI Altix compute hosts

Since all compute hosts in the Altix environment must be accessed through the PBS batch system, the only way to run an interactive job on one of the compute engines is through the following command:

% qsub –I

To specify the total number of CPUs and wallclock time, you may include those options at the command line. For example, suppose you wanted 16 CPUs for a total of 4 hours to run some interactive work. You would issue this command:

% qsub –I –l ncpus=16,wallclock=04:00:00

In some cases, your job will not be started immediately but will start when sufficient resources become available.

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Step 13: Use performance analysis tools

Two tools can be used for profiling your code on the SGI Altix systems.

First, the performance monitor pfmon is a user interface to the performance monitoring units available on the Itanium2 processor chips. See man pfmon for more information.

The SGI-supplied profiling Perl script is also available for use. See Introduction to Performance Analysis in SGI's Techpubs Library for more detailed information.

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Step 14: Use debugging tools

The SGI Altix software page explains in further detail the debugging tools available on the Altix systems. In short, the following debuggers are available:

  • idb, an Intel debugger
  • gdb, and open source Gnu debugger
  • ddd, an open source data display debugger
  • totalview, not yet licensed on the Altix systems

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Step 15: Software on the SGI Altix systems (mathematical library, netCDF, HDF)

In general, most software packages are available on both the SGI Altix and Irix systems, including a SCSL (SGI mathematical and statistical libraries), netCDF, HDF, etc.

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Step 16: Use visualization tools (NCAR graphics, idt, GrADS)

NCAR graphics visualization software (module pd-ncar.4.4.1) and many sample programs are available on the SGI Altix systems. The X window interactive image display tool idt is used to visualize the graphics output from NCAR graphics.

The other graphical software GrADS (module pd-grads.1.9b4) is also available at /local/LinuxIA64/grads/1.9b4/bin.

GrADS can be loaded via:

%module load pd-grads.1.9b4

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Step 17: Use file systems and data storage

Several different types of file systems are available for storing different types of data. The following list shows a summary of the different types of file systems and their access methods. Detailed information about filesystems is available at NCCS SGIs: Filesystem Access and Policies.

  • Home File Systems
    • Available for all SGI hosts, Altix and Irix
    • Should be used to store applications, scripts, etc.
    • Has a limited size and should not be used to store large data sets.
  • Nobackup
    • Generally used to store large working files (input and output) used for running applications, post processing, analysis, etc.
    • Is not backed up; any files that need to be saved for long periods should be copied into the mass storage directories.
  • Scratch
    • Is set up on each compute host; a temporary directory is created at the time a PBS batch job begins running.
    • Is accessed via the $TMPDIR environment variable and is the fastest performing file system.
    • Is a temporary storage area created for the life of a PBS batch job; any data that needs to be saved must be removed before the job is completed.
  • Mass Storage

Step 18: Sample PBS Script

Please Click here to view Sample PBS Script

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Step 19: Using Quota command

quota -v userid

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FirstGov logo + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
+ Sciences and Exploration Directorate
NASA Curator: Mason Chang,
NCCS User Services Group (301-286-9120)
NASA Official: Phil Webster, High-Performance
Computing Lead, GSFC Code 606.2