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Aug. 20, 2003

King County and Tacoma Water partnership will restore crucial habitat along Green River

Water for people, new habitat and environmental protections for fish and wildlife, and a new place for people to enjoy the out of doors are the result of a partnership announced today by King County Executive Ron Sims and Tacoma Water. The partnership will result in habitat improvements to over 30 acres of prime riverfront property at the Auburn Narrows Natural Area in south King County. Under this new agreement, King County and Tacoma Water will work together to provide wetland mitigation, salmon habitat enhancement, and recreation land in King County. The habitat improvements will occur at Auburn Narrows Natural Area along the Middle Green River, which has been identified by the Trust for Public Land and King County as crucial to wildlife preservation and salmon habitat recovery.

“We are pleased to partner with Tacoma Water to accommodate their residents’ growing need for crucial city services at the same time meeting the environmental and recreational demands in King County,” said Sims.

“This project is consistent with our environmental responsibilities contained in several agreements and permits associated with the Second Supply Project for regional water supply,” said Tacoma Water Superintendent Ken Merry. “It’s gratifying to see the project moving forward.”

Tacoma Water draws from the Green River in King County as a principal source of water for its customers in Tacoma, Pierce and south King counties. To meet growing demand, Tacoma Water and its partners (City of Kent, Covington Water District and Lakehaven Water District) are completing construction of a second supply pipeline from the Green River. Since construction of the new pipeline has involved crossing a number of streams and wetlands in King County, Tacoma Water, its partners and the County previously agreed upon a plan to ensure wetlands impacted by construction would be fully mitigated.

The Auburn Narrows site was chosen for this partnership because it was designated by King County as a high priority for fish and wildlife preservation and enhancement and is in the Middle Green River, which has been identified by the Trust for Public Land as one of the ten most important rivers in Puget Sound for salmon recovery. The site also meets Tacoma Water’s needs for off-site mitigation of their pipeline impacts. Tacoma Water will contribute nearly $1,100,000 for wetland restoration, enlargement, and enhancement at the site. King County will devote an additional $570,000 to side channel habitat improvements.

Since Auburn Narrows was originally purchased with funds from Forward Thrust and the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for recreational use, part of Tacoma Water’s mitigation effort will be replacing the 22-acre area of Auburn Narrows with property that can be used for recreation. Tacoma Water will contribute $230,000 for the purchase of the new land. King County and the IAC are working cooperatively to find a suitable replacement property.

The Executive has sent three pieces of legislation to the King County Council that will authorize the partnership:

  • An interlocal agreement outlining financial obligations and responsibilities of King County and Tacoma Water;
  • Authorization to purchase replacement property for Auburn Narrows with $230,000 provided by Tacoma Water; and
  • Conveyance of a wetland protection easement to Tacoma Water to facilitate its upfront construction and long-term stewardship of the land.
Tacoma’s Public Utility Board will consider the proposed project at its meeting on Sept. 10, 2003. Following that, the Tacoma City Council will consider the agreement for the project at its meeting on Sept. 23, 2003.

This is part of King County’s ongoing commitment to environmental protection and salmon conservation.

Related links :
» King County announces Green River acquisition
» Tacoma Water (external link)
» Tacoma Public Utility Board (external link)
» Trust for Public Land (external link)

Updated: Aug. 20, 2003

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