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October 30, 2002

News Release
Watch salmon as you help restore habitat

King County is encouraging volunteers to come watch spawning salmon and help improve fish and wildlife habitat by restoring wetlands at Cavanaugh Pond and the floodplain along the Cedar River, Saturdays, November 2 and December 7, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Volunteers will replace invasive species with native plants and shrubs while maintaining existing native plants. Wetlands throughout the region provide a healthy habitat for fish and wildlife while protecting water quality by filtering water runoff.

Volunteer efforts are the key to the success of restoration projects at Cavanaugh Pond and other King County lands. King County Parks and Natural Areas receive help from more than 5,000 volunteers giving over 30,000 hours each year.

Below are additional King County Parks programs that are also in need of both individual and group volunteers:

  • Park Ambassadors. King County needs Park Ambassadors who will be responsible for maintaining restoration projects or caring for parks. In exchange for 100 hours of volunteer time in one year, volunteers receive training, a hat, vest, pack and free admission to King County pools and interpretive programs.
  • Adopt a Park. Groups can adopt a park or portion of a trail by volunteering at a site at least four times in a 12-month period. Volunteers will help enhance the beauty of public lands with clean-up projects, tree plantings, weeding and watering.
  • Group Volunteer Projects. Projects can be arranged for groups interested in volunteering for a one time work party in a King County park or natural area.

To sign up or for more information about wetland restoration at Cavanaugh Pond or other volunteer opportunities, contact King County volunteer coordinator, Tina Miller, at (206) 296-2990 or Toll-free (800) 325-6165 Extension 62990, TTY 711 or Reasonable accommodations such as are available upon advance request.

Related Information

Cedar River Salmon Journey

Cedar River - Lake Washington Watershed Page

The Dirt: DNR's Volunteer Calendar

King County Volunteer Page

Water and Land Resources Division

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