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National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute logo and link to NHLBI website National Heart Lung Blood Institute We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition) logo and link to home page
Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
National Cancer Institute
Live It

Get the Family Moving

Energy balance means that you and your family need to balance ENERGY IN with ENERGY OUT. The calories we eat and drink (ENERGY IN) provide fuel for our bodies to use for every day activities and physical activities (ENERGY OUT). The goal is to stay in energy balance.

Whether the goal for you and your family is to maintain a healthy weight, or to lose weight, it is important to keep energy balance in mind.

Health experts recommend that you think of ways to rev up the ENERGY OUT in two important ways: things you can do together as a family that are fun and physically active, and things each of you can do in your everyday routines to increase your level of physical activity.


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