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June 8, 2006

House Passage of H.R. 5254 - The Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act
Statement from Secretary Bodman

WASHINGTON, DC – The following is a statement from the Secretary Samuel W. Bodman of the Department of Energy on the passage of House Resolution 5254, The Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act:

“I commend the House of Representatives for their passage of this important piece of legislation.  Expanding our nation’s refining capacity is an important part of President Bush’s four-point plan to confront high gasoline prices and is a key component to strengthening our nation’s energy security.  By increasing our nation’s domestic refining capacity we can help grow our nation’s economy and reduce our reliance on foreign sources of energy.

“I thank Chairman Barton and Congressman Bass for their leadership, and look forward to working with them and other Members of Congress on ways to further strengthen our nation’s energy mix.  I am hopeful that the Senate will soon take up and pass similar legislation to improve and expand our nation’s domestic refining capacity.”

Media contact(s):
Craig Stevens, (202) 586-4940


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