Overview of ISLSCP Initiative II
The International Satellite Land-Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) is part of the international Global Hydrology Project (GHP) and is responsible for process modeling, data retrieval algorithms, field experiment design and execution, and the development of global data sets. The First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE) data are archived at the ORNL DAAC

Since its inception in 1983, ISLSCP has conceived and participated in a number of workshops, field experiments and the production and publication of a collection of global data sets to support energy, water, and biogeochemical cycling studies covering 1987 to 1988 -- the ISLSCP Initiative I.

The ISLSCP Initiative II data collection is designed to support modeling studies of the global carbon, water and energy cycle. This data collection contains 50 global time series spanning the ten-year period 1986 to 1995. The data for Initiative II were acquired from a number of U.S. and international agencies, universities, and institutions, then co-registered to equal-angle grids of one degree, one-half and one-quarter degree resolution and reformatted into a common ASCII format.

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Get ISLSCP Initiative II Data
The ISLSCP II data set is now complete and available at the ISLSCP II office at Goddard.


The data sets are now being archived at the ORNL DAAC and will be available here in the near future.

Why ASCII Formatted Data Files?

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The collection includes a variety of remotely sensed data sets ranging from visible to microwave wavelengths. The data sets also include improved topography, surface radiation, near-surface meteorology, precipitation, runoff, and soils data sets that can be used in a variety of interdisciplinary research activities. Several data sets to support global carbon and biogeochemical studies are also provided. More...