
Fermilab - ILC Citizens' Task Force


The ILC Citizens’ Task Force provides guidance and advice to Fermilab to ensure that community concerns and ideas are included in all public aspects of ILC planning and design.


The Task Force is expected to work as a consensus body, seeking as broad and complete agreement as is feasible on the issues it addresses. In cases where agreement cannot be reached, minority opinions will be captured to ensure that a full range of community perspectives are considered by the laboratory in its final decision-making. Committees may be developed if more detailed dialogue or research is desired by members and as a way to engage additional community interests.

Technical and Facilitation Support

The Task Force facilitator supports the group to make sure it has the information it requires and that all voices are heard. Fermilab is committed to providing complete and transparent information on all aspects of ILC planning and design and to provide whatever technical support the Task Force requires in order to conduct its deliberations.

Expected Decisions and Products

Three types of input are expected to be produced by the Task Force:

1) Informal input. On some issues, no formal recommendations will be expected. However the Task Force will be asked to provide feedback and reactions as part of overall discussion of the topic.

2) Compilation of community issues and concerns. Many topics will be aided by understanding broad community perspectives. Task Force members will be asked to engage with their neighbors and other members of the community in dialogue about the ILC and to bring those concerns and issues to the Task Force dialogue.

3) Formal recommendations. In a number of cases, ILC decision-making will be greatly aided by formal consensus-based recommendations from the Task Force.