ORISE Business Areas

Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification

Science Education Programs

Occupational Exposure and Worker Studies

Professional and Technical Training

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

National Security and Emergency Management

Scientific Peer Reviews

Worker and Public Health Communication

Other Business Areas


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by Oak Ridge Associated Universities
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Home > Independent Environmental Assessment & Verification > Health Physics

Independent Environmental Assesment and Verification

Standards Development

Health Physics
Applied Health Physics Evaluations / Investigations
Audit Services for Radiological Facilities
Instrumentation Assessment
Standards Development
Health Physics Training

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education’s (ORISE) experience with radiological surveys and site characterizations spans more than 25 years. Through that time, we have developed solid relationships with our federal agency customers, such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy. They respect our knowledge and understanding of the process. They turn to us for assistance when developing new or revising existing standards.

We were instrumental in developing the following:

ORISE currently co-chairs the DHS ANSI N42.37 standard entitled “Training Requirements for Homeland Security Purposes Using Radiation Detection Instrumentation for Interdiction and Prevention.”

ORISE staff members are involved in various steering groups and serve on the Health Physics Society's standard N13.59 Committee "Characterization of Land Areas and Structures in Support of Decommissioning."

For more information

Sarah Roberts, CHP
Assoc. Program Director