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January 6, 2006

Secretary Bodman Visits National Energy Technology Lab

On Friday, January 6, Secretary Bodman visited the National Energy Technology Lab (NETL) in Pittsburgh, PA, to tour the research facility and hold an all-hands meeting with NETL employees.  The Secretary was joined by Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Jeff Jarrett and Congressman Tim Murphy (R-PA).

During the visit, Secretary Bodman toured exhibits on NETL’s research and development projects and received demonstrations from scientists and researchers on the latest energy and environmental technologies developed by the lab. 

Prior to his visit to NETL, Secretary Bodman joined Reps. Melissa Hart and Tim Murphy for the Pittsburgh Energy Summit 2006.  During the summit, Secretary Bodman discussed Pittsburgh’s growing economy and how the Energy Policy Act of 2005 can help promote job growth and the economy of Pennsylvania.

Media contact(s):
Craig Stevens, 202-586-4940


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
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