Drought.ColoState.edu CSU Home Page

Colorado State University Information & Resources

Drought, Water & Fire

As a world-leader in natural resources, climate studies and agriculture, Colorado State University is at the forefront of research related to the impacts of drought and fire on people and the environment.

What's New

Wildfire: Media Tip Sheet - CSU experts are available to discuss topics related to wildfires and forestry.

Drought Resources

Water Restrictions - Links to the restrictions of individual Front Range municipalities (updated monthly).

Resources for Reporters and Media - News releases, tips sheets, experts guide and more.

Research & Resource Centers

Responding to state and national needs, the University has focused this wide-ranging expertise on increasing the drought knowledge base in order to provide critical information to government leaders, businesses and individuals as they plan for and manage drought events.

More than 100 researchers from 25 university departments are currently participating in research that is analyzing the dynamics of drought, developing new methods and procedures for characterizing drought, and identifying improved techniques for assessing the impact of extreme drought.

Additionally, our ongoing outreach and education efforts continue to provide much needed information to the public on topics ranging from water saving tips for home gardeners to fire protection and prevention information for residents of our mountain communities.

Research and Outreach Spotlights

Colorado Forest Restoration Institute

The Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI) in the Warner College of Natural Resources aims to restore the health of Colorado forests and reduce catastrophic wildfires by providing the best available science in forest ecology, restoration and management in ways that are readily usable by the diverse group of land managers in Colorado.
More information ->

CloudSat, the World's Most Sensitive Cloud-Profiling Radar

The new radar, now operational and broadcasting the first images from space, is expected to tell scientists how much water is in clouds, which could help predict drought and major climate change across the globe.
More information ->

Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS)

CoCoRaHS is a unique, non-profit, community-based network of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map precipitation (rain, hail and snow). By using low-cost measurement tools, stressing training and education, and utilizing an interactive Web-site, our aim is to provide the highest quality data for natural resource, education and research applications.
More information ->

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Last modified on March 25, 2003
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