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Agricultural Chemicals & Groundwater Protection Program

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 "to protect groundwater and the environment from impairment or degradation due to the improper use of agricultural chemicals while allowing for their proper and correct use." 


Rob Wawrzynski

Program Manager

Cooperating agencies include:



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Content Server Image Agricultural Chemical and Groundwater Protection 1990-2006

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Groundwater Quality Database

Content Server Image Program Brochure



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Content Server Image   CSU Water Quality Page This page has information on various water quality projects, personnel, and related water quality links.
Content Server Image   CDPHE This is a state department that ensures quality water for public health and the environment. The Water Quality Control Division is recognized as Colorado's leading agency for monitoring and reporting on the quality of state waters, preventing water pollution, protecting, restoring and enhancing the quality of surface and groundwater, and assuring that safe drinking water is provided from all public water systems.