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  "To witness a total eclipse of the Sun is a privilege that comes to but few people. Once seen, however, it is a phenomenon never to be forgotten. The black body of the Moon standing out ... in sinister relief between Sun and Earth, the sudden outflashing glory and radiance of the pearly corona which can be seen at no other time, the scarlet prominences rising from the surface of the hidden Sun to heights of many thousand miles, the unaccustomed presence of the brighter stars and planets in the daytime, the darkness of twilight and the unusual chill in the air. There is something in it all that affects even the strongest nerves and it is almost with a sigh of relief that we hail the return of the friendly Sun."

Isabel M. Lewis, 1924
A Handbook of Solar Eclipses

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Ames Research Center

Goddard Space Flight Center

Kennedy Space Center
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Responsible NASA Official: Jim Thieman
Curator: Shane Keating
Last Updated:5/9/07