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State Court Sentencing of Convicted Felons 2004 - Statistical Tables
Felony Case Processing in State Courts


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Table 4.2. Offense distribution of felons convicted in State courts, by type of conviction, 2004

Most serious
conviction offense
Percent convicted by --

Guilty Plea
Total Jury Bench

  All offenses 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Violent offenses 18 % 32 % 47 % 21 % 18 %
  Murder/a 1   5   10   1   1  
  Sexual assault/b 3   7   11   4   3  
  Robbery 4   6   10   3   4  
  Aggravated assault 9   13   14   12   9  
  Other violent/c 2   2   2   1   1  
Property offenses 29 % 24 % 15 % 31 % 28 %
  Burglary 9   8   7   9   9  
  Larceny/d 11   8   5   10   10  
  Fraud/e 9   8   3   12   10  
Drug offenses 34 % 25 % 23 % 27 % 33 %
  Possession 15   9   6   11   13  
  Trafficking 19   16   16   16   20  
Weapon offenses 3 % 4 % 4 % 4 % 3 %
Other offenses/f 16 % 15 % 12 % 17 % 18 %

Note: Detail may not add to the total because of rounding.
This table is based on an estimated 582,480 cases.
a/Includes nonnegligent manslaughter.
b/Includes rape.
c/Includes offenses such as negligent manslaughter and kidnapping.
d/Includes motor vehicle theft.
e/Includes forgery and embezzlement.
f/Composed of nonviolent offenses such as receiving stolen property and vandalism.

Source: National Judicial Reporting Program
     See also Methodology

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