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State Court Sentencing of Convicted Felons 2004 - Statistical Tables
Profile of Felons Convicted in State Courts


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Table 2.3. Average age of convicted felons in State courts, 2004

      Average age in years
Most serious
conviction offense

Mean Median

  All offenses 32 yrs 31 yrs
Violent offenses 31 yrs 29 yrs
  Murder/a 31   27  
  Sexual assault/b 34   32  
    Rape 34   33  
    Other sexual assault 34   32  
  Robbery 27   24  
  Aggravated assault 32   30  
  Other violent/c 33   31  
Property offenses 32 yrs 30 yrs
  Burglary 29   26  
  Larceny/d 33   31  
    Motor vehicle theft 28   25  
  Fraud/e 33   32  
Drug offenses 33 yrs 31 yrs
  Possession 34   33  
  Trafficking 32   30  
Weapon offenses 30 yrs 27 yrs
Other offenses/f 34 yrs 33 yrs

Note: Data on age were available for 916,906 cases.
a/Includes nonnegligent manslaughter.
b/Includes rape.
c/Includes offenses such as negligent manslaughter and kidnapping.
d/Includes motor vehicle theft.
e/Includes forgery and embezzlement.
f/Composed of nonviolent offenses such as receiving stolen property and vandalism.

Source: National Judicial Reporting Program
     See also Methodology

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