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State Court Sentencing of Convicted Felons, 2004 - Statistical Tables
Felony Sentences in State Court


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Table 1.10. Comparison of felony convictions in State and Federal courts, 2004

      Felony convictions Federal felony convictions as percent of total Percent of felons sentenced to prison or jail-- Mean maximum sentence length (in months) for felons sentenced to prison or jail--
Most serious
conviction offense

Total State Federal State Federal State Federal

  All offenses 1,145,438 1,078,920 66,518 5.8 % 70 % 85 % 37 mo 61 mo
Violent offenses 197,138 194,570 2,568 1.3 % 78 % 94 % 68 mo 96 mo
  Murder/a 8,590 8,400 190 2.2   92   92   232   111  
  Sexual assault/b 33,605 33,190 415 1.2   81   94   93   112  
    Rape 12,409 12,310 99 0.8   89   88   123   141  
    Other sexual assault 21,196 20,880 316 1.5   76   96   72   105  
  Robbery 40,230 38,850 1,380 3.4   87   98   86   105  
  Aggravated assault 94,845 94,380 465 0.5   73   83   41   45  
  Other violent/c 19,868 19,750 118 0.6   73   82   38   88  
Property offenses 322,501 310,680 11,821 3.7 % 68 % 60 % 29 mo 26 mo
  Burglary 93,923 93,870 53 0.1   75   83   40   28  
  Larceny/d 120,705 119,340 1,365 1.1   69   54   21   31  
    Motor vehicle theft 16,968 16,910 58 0.3   86   67   17   27  
    Other theft 103,737 102,430 1,307 1.3   67   53   22   31  
  Fraud 107,873 97,470 10,403 9.6   60   60   26   26  
    Fraud/e 57,883 48,560 9,323 16.1   56   60   24   26  
    Forgery 49,990 48,910 1,080 2.2   63   64   28   24  
Drug offenses 387,322 362,850 24,472 6.3 % 67 % 93 % 31 mo 84 mo
  Possession 163,112 161,090 2,022 1.2   64   90   23   82  
  Trafficking 224,210 201,760 22,450 10   69   93   37   84  
Weapon offenses 41,092 33,010 8,082 19.7 % 72 % 93 % 32 mo 84 mo
Other offenses/f 197,385 177,810 19,575 9.9 % 69 % 86 % 24 mo 30 mo

Note: Federal statistics shown in the above table are from the same database
that was used to create tables 5.1 and 5.2 of the BJS publication
"Compendium of Federal Statistics, 2004." Tables 5.1 and 5.2 figures
differ from the above figures because of offense definitions.
a/Includes nonnegligent manslaughter.
b/Includes rape.
c/Includes offenses such as negligent manslaughter and kidnapping.
d/Includes motor vehicle theft.
e/Includes embezzlement.
f/Composed of nonviolent offenses such as receiving stolen property and vandalism.

Source: National Judicial Reporting Program.
     See also Methodology

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