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Astrophysics Science Division

Astrophysics Science Division: Staff

Staff by Group

660.0 (Division)
660.1 (OGIP)
660.2 (Science Ops & Data Management)
661 (Astroparticles)
662 (X rays)
663 (Gravitational Waves)
665 (Cosmology)
667 (Exoplanets & Stars)

Full Staff List (arranged by type)

Engineers & Technicians
Programmers & Data Technicians
Support Staff

Division Management

photo of Bill OegerleDr. William Oegerle
+ Bio
photo of Felicia Jones-SeldenFelicia Jones-Selden
Deputy Director
photo of Kim WeaverDr. Kimberly Weaver
Associate Director for Science
+ Bio
photo of harley ThronsonDr. Harley Thronson
Associate for Advanced Concepts and Planning
photo of Curtis OdellCurtis Odell
Assistant Director
Linked names go to user-specified CVs/bios. Contact karen@milkyway to add a link to yours or to correct any errors you find.

To find an email address, click the radio button and click the envelope next to the name.


Civil Servant Scientists:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Angelini, Lorella 3607 661 GSFC
Baker, John 3663 663 GSFC
Barbier, Louis 4054 661 GSFC
Barthelmy, Scott 3106 661 GSFC
Benford, Dominic 8771 665 GSFC
Bowers, Charles 8604 667 GSFC
Boyd, Patricia 2550 661 GSFC
Brown, Beth 4132 662 GSFC
Camp, Jordan 3528 663 GSFC
Carpenter, Kenneth 3453 667 GSFC
Centrella, Joan 3966 663 GSFC
Chuss, David 1858 665 GSFC
Clampin, Mark 4532 667 GSFC
Cottam, Jean 1586 662 GSFC
Danchi, William 4586 667 GSFC
Deines-Jones, Philip 6884 662 GSFC
Dwek, Eli 6209 665 GSFC
Fahey, Richard 9877 663 GSFC
Gardner, Jonathan 3938 665 GSFC
Gehrels, Neil 6546 661 GSFC
Gendreau, Keith 6188 662 GSFC
Greenhouse, Matthew 4517 665 GSFC
Gull, Theodore 6184 667 GSFC
Harding, Alice 7824 663 GSFC
Heap, Sara 5359 667 GSFC
Hinshaw, Gary 851 665 GSFC
Hornschemeier, Ann 7632 662 GSFC
Hunter, Stanley 7280 661 GSFC
Jahoda, Keith 3527 662 GSFC
Kallman, Timothy 3680 662 GSFC
Kazanas, Demos 7680 663 GSFC
Kelley, Richard 7266 662 GSFC
Kilbourne, Caroline 2469 662 GSFC
Kimble, Randy 5783 667 GSFC
Kogut, Alan 853 665 GSFC
Kuchner, Marc 5165 667 GSFC
Leckrone, David 5975 667 GSFC
Livas, Jeff 7289 663 GSFC
Lyon, Richard 4302 667 GSFC
Marshall, Francis 5279 660.1 GSFC
Mather, John 6885 665 GSFC
Mazzuca, Lisa 9032 667 GSFC
McEnery, Julie 1632 661 GSFC
McGlynn, Tom 7743 662 GSFC
Merkowitz, Stephen 9412 663 GSFC
Mitchell, John 3199 661 GSFC
Moseley, Samuel 2347 665 GSFC
Mushotzky, Richard 7579 662 GSFC
Neff, Susan 5137 665 GSFC
Niedner, Malcolm 5821 667 GSFC
Oegerle, William 3441 660 GSFC
Pence, Bill 4599 662 GSFC
Petre, Robert 3844 662 GSFC
Porter, F. Scott 5016 662 GSFC
Rauscher, Bernard 4871 665 GSFC
Rinehart, Stephen 4591 665 GSFC
Ritz, Steve 941 661 GSFC
Sambruna, Rita 1205 661 GSFC
Serlemitsos, Peter 5255 662 GSFC
Shafer, Richard 3463 665 GSFC
Silverberg, Robert 7468 665 GSFC
Smale, Alan 2602 660.1 GSFC
Snowden, Steven 8100 662 GSFC
Sonneborn, George 3665 665 GSFC
Stebbins, Robin (Tuck) 3642 663 GSFC
Stecker, Floyd 6057 663 GSFC
Strohmayer, Tod 1256 662 GSFC
Swank, Jean 9167 662 GSFC
Sweigart, Allen 6274 667 GSFC
Teplitz, Vigdor (Vic) 2362 660 GSFC
Thompson, Dave 8168 661 GSFC
Thronson, Harley 5155 660 GSFC
Tueller, Jack 4678 661 GSFC
von Rosenvinge, Tycho 6721 661 GSFC
Weaver, Kim 4256 660 GSFC
Wiseman, Jennifer 8702 667 GSFC
Wollack, Edward 1379 665 GSFC
Woodgate, Bruce 5401 667 GSFC
Zhang, William 6230 662 GSFC

Emeritus Civil Servant Scientists:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Boldt, Elihu 5853 662 GSFC EM
Cline, Thomas 8375 661 GSFC EM
Gezari, Daniel 3432 667 GSFC EM
Hartman, Robert 7178 661 GSFC EM
Reames, Donald 6454 661 GSFC EM
Smith, Andrew 3900 667 GSFC EM
Stecher, Theodore 8718 667 GSFC EM
Teegarden, Bonnard 5277 661 GSFC EM

USRA, ORAU and Contract Scientists:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Arzoumanian, Zaven 2547 662 USRA
Behar, Ehud 2054 662 ORAU
Bonfield, David 3624 667 ORAU
Brenneman, Laura 4353 662 ORAU
Butterworth, Paul 1850 665 ADNET
Cane, Hilary 6816 661 USRA
Cheung, Teddy 5749 661 ORAU
Chu, I-Wen Mike 4162 665 ORAU
Collins, Nicholas 4395 667 RSIS
Corcoran, Mike 5576 662 USRA
Donato, Davide 1249 661 ORAU
Dorodnitsyn, Anton 7229 662 ORAU
Drake, Steve 6962 662 USRA
Eckart, Megan 8872 662 ORAU
Felten, Jim 6364 665 Self
Finkbeiner, Fred 1517 662 RSIS
Fukumura, Keigo 993 663 ORAU
Grady, Carol 3748 667 EUREKA
Hamaguchi, Kenji 4970 662 USRA
Hams, Thomas 2088 661 USRA
Hays, Elizabeth 345 661 ORAU
Hill, Joanne (Joe) 572 662 USRA
Hill, Robert J. 8531 665 SSAI
Hill, Robert S. 3577 665 ADNET
Hinderks, James 8519 665 ORAU
Holland, Stephen 7063 660.1 USRA
Jenkins, Leigh 2466 662 ORAU
Jensen, Adam 3211 665 ORAU
Juett, Adrienne 8962 662 ORAU
Kadler, Matthias 4390 662 ORAU
Kashlinsky, Alexander 2176 665 SSAI
Kelly, Bernard 7243 663 ORAU
Kniffen, Donald 7736 661 USRA
Kober, Gladys Vieira 4530 667 SSAI
Krimm, Hans 6955 661 USRA
Krizmanic, John 6817 661 USRA
Landsman, Wayne 3625 667 SSAI
Leutenegger, Maurice 6410 662 ORAU
Link, Jason 9440 661 USRA
Lochner, Jim 9711 662 USRA
Malumuth, Eliot 5776 667 RSIS
Martoff, Charles J. 8960 662 ORAU
Massa, Derck 7628 665 SGT
Moiseev, Alexander 5581 661 USRA
Morris, David 1513 661 GWU
Odegard, Nils 849 665 ADNET
Rahming, Sheila 8528 665 SP Systems
Rapchun, David 8904 665 GST
Richardson, L. Jeremy 701 667 ORAU
Roberge, Aki 2967 667 ORAU
Sasaki, Makoto 998 661 USRA
Shaposhnikov, Nikolai 8413 662 USRA
Sharp, Elmer 4229 665 GST
Shrader, Chris 8434 661 USRA
Smith, Stephen 3719 662 ORAU
Son, Seunghee 5079 661 ORAU
Soong, Yang 6318 662 USRA
Stamatikos, Michael 5947 661 ORAU
Sterling, Nicholas 4560 662 ORAU
Thorpe, James 5382 663 ORAU
Tylka, Allan xxxx 661 NRL
Valencic, Lynne 1041 662 ORAU
VanDeCastle, Tom 7459 662 SP Systems
Wise, John 3201 665 ORAU
Wisniewski, John 1057 667 ORAU

University Scientists:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Adams, Joe 9403 662 MEI
Arendt, Richard 8607 665 UMBC
Arnaud, Keith 5857 662 UMCP
Band, David 5439 661 UMBC
Bandler, Simon 1363 662 UMCP
Baumgartner, Wayne 1078 661 UMBC
Bennett, Charles 3902 665 JHU
Black, Kevin 1231 662 Rock Creek Scientific
Bonnell, Jerry 1579 661 UMCP
Bruhweiler, Frederick 4659 667 CUA
Cannizzo, John 9820 661 UMBC
Chan, Kai-Wing 6238 662 UMBC
Chen, Peter 5143 667 CUA
Corbet, Robin 2851 662 UMBC
Cummings, Jay 3184 661 UMBC
Davis, David 9971 661 UMBC
de Mello, Duilia 7497 665 CUA
de Nolfo, Georgia 1512 661 UMBC
Fiorito, Ralph 3568 662 CUA
Fixsen, Dale 873 665 UMCP
Gavriil, Fotis 6779 662 UMBC
Georganopoulos, Markos 993 663 UMBC
George, Ian M. 6094 662 UMBC
Harrus, Ilana 9649 662 JHU
Hirayama, Masaharu 643 661 UMBC
Holdridge, David 7583 660 UMCP
Hwang, Una 3632 662 JHU
Immler, Stefan 72 662 UMCP
Iping, Rosina 4587 665 CUA
Jang-Condell, Hannah 7923 667 UMCP
Kraemer, Steven 8301 667 CUA
Krishnamurthi, Anita 2597 660.1 UMCP
Kuntz, Kip 1201 662 JHU
Kutyrev, Alexander 2150 665 UMCP
Lehan, John 671 662 UMBC
Leventhal, Marvin 8934 661 UM/Retire
Loewenstein, Mike 3615 662 UMCP
Markwardt, Craig 1506 661 UMCP
McLean, Kass 4945 661 UMD
Mukai, Koji 9447 662 UMBC
Mundy, Lee 7308 660.5 UMCP
Ng, Chee 1504 661 UMCP
Nielsen, Krister 4533 667 CUA
Norton, Tim 6541 667 UMBC
Numata, Kenji 799 663 UMCP
Okajima, Takashi 1037 662 JHU
Osten, Rachel 2602 662 UMCP
Peles, Virginia 9563 660.8 UMCP
Phillips, Nicholas 5317 665 UMCP/CRESST
Pottschmidt, Katja 3335 661 UMBC
Reynolds, Christopher 8401 662 UMCP
Richardson, Ian 3079 661 UMCP
Rotzinger, Johannes 7374 662 Brown Univ.
Sakamoto, Takanori 5103 661 UMBC
Skinner, Gerry 1350 661 UMCP
Smith, Randall 1155 662 JHU
Staguhn, Johannes 7840 665 UMCP
Stroeer, Alex 2117 663 UMCP
Sturner, Steve 8447 661 UMBC
Titarchuk, Lev 9797 663 GMU
Tombesi, Francesco 2661 662 JHU
Turner, Tracey (Jane) 5190 662 UMBC
Tzanavaris, Panayiotis 9889 662 JHU
Van Meter, James 8241 663 UMBC
Verner, Ekaterina 3019 667 CUA
Wahlgren, Glenn 4531 667 CUA
Witthoeft, Mike 5506 662 UMCP
Yaqoob, Tahir 5015 662 JHU

NRC Resident Research Associates:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation

Graduate Students:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Alicea-Munoz, Emily 6281 663 GSFC
Armentrout, Bryan 871 667 CUA
Berghea, Ciprian 4425 662 CUA
Boggs, Darian 6458 663 UMCP
Cephas, Emmanuel 4633 661 RSIS
Correira, John ???? 667 CUA
Donovan, Patrick 1853 661 PAAC II
Eyermann, Sarah 7412 660.1 SP Systems
Fox, Ori 6322 665 GSRP
Garcia, Javier 2082 662 CUA
Hammer, Derek 9889 662 JHU
Johnson, Tyrel 2685 661 UMCP
Jontof-Hutter, Daniel 7688 667 UMD
Koss, Mike 1132 661 UMCP
McWilliams, Sean 5357 663 UMCP
Melendez, Marcio 9337 667 CUA
Murphy, Kendrah 533 662 JHU
Petrov, Leonid 2543 660.1 SP Systems
Petty, Sara 3938 665 CUA
Porst, Jan-Patrick 7374 662 Brown Univ.
Preiskorn, Zach 5267 662 Univ of Iowa
Sadleir, John 3078 662 GSFC
Stark, Chris 7688 667 UMD
Ukwatta, Tilan 5876 662 GWU
Voyer, Elysse 6016 665 CUA
Winter, Eric 2458 661 RSIS
Winter, Lisa 5351 662 UMCP
Zell, Holly 7891 667 GST

Other Students & Interns:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation

Engineers & Technicians:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Baker, Robert 9882 660.3 GSFC
Barry, Richard 664 660.3 GSFC
Brekosky, Regis 6317 660.3 NGES
Buchanan, Ernest 5018 665 ADNET
Cursey, Paul 7730 665 RSIS
Daniels, William 7756 660.3 GSFC
Delo, Gregory 7806 660.3 GST
Derdeyn, Stephen 3693 660.3 SP Systems
Dobson, Norman 6655 660.3 GSFC
DuMonthier, Jeffrey 4331 660.3 GSFC
Foltz, Roger 5059 660.3 SIGMA
Gliba, George 1119 660.1 SP Systems
Goodwin, Phillip 3960 660.3 MEI
Gygax, John D. 3988 660.3 GSFC
Hancock, Holly 1042 660.3 SAIC
Hilton, George 3759 667 RSIS
Hong, Maoling (Melinda) 1593 660.3 SGT
Jones-Selden, Felicia 2168 660 GSFC
Kearney, John 3695 660.3 SGT
Koenecke, Richard 3551 660.3 ADNET
Londot, Lorna 9784 661 CSC
Lozipone, Lawrence 9774 662 SGT
Mazzarella, Jim 1409 660.3 SGT
Miller, Chris 7002 660.3 SP Systems
Mirel, Paul 5467 665 RSIS
Moya, Israel 3513 660.3 GSFC
Murphy, Scott 4605 660.3 RSI
Nahory, Bert 3634 660.3 MEI
Newell, Bill 6370 665 OSC
Odell, Curtis 4479 660 GSFC
Olsen, Lawrence 5135 660.3 SGT
Pluchak-Rosnack, Traci 1413 660.3 OSC
Powell, Wes 2823 660.3 GSFC
Powers, Timothy 7659 665 ADNET
Quilligan, Gerard 7687 660.3 GSFC
Rebar, Joyce 7860 665 ADNET
Reynolds, Matthew 8709 662 SGT
Righter, Donald L. 6889 660.3 SGT
San Sebastian, Frank 8750 660.3 SIGMA
Sharpe, Marton 580 660.3 SGT
Shuman, Sandy 4807 660.3 MEI
Simms, Ken 3672 660.3 GST
Singh, Satpal 7086 660.3 Prime Circuits Inc.
Smith, Ken 9084 665 OSC
Smith, Nancy 8987 660.2 GSFC
Stephens, Mark 4269 662 NASA
Stock, Joseph 2860 667 SGT
Suarez, George 3321 660.3 GSFC
Voellmer, George 8182 665 GSFC
Waczynski, Augustyn 3690 660.3 GST
Wen, Yiting 6608 660.3 SSAI
Windhausen, Maxine 3142 660.3 MEI
Winkert, George 7118 660.3 GSFC

Programmers & Data Technicians:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Arida, Michael 2291 660.2 SP Systems
Barbier, S. Beth 7209 661 SP Systems
Canter, George 7346 660.2 ADNET
Chai, Pan 8099 660.1 RSIS
Cillis, Analia 977 661 SP Systems
Engle, Kimberly 3016 660.2 ADNET
Fantasia, Stephan 4944 660.2 ADNET
Feggans, John 4536 660.2 SIGMA
Friedlander, David 1129 660.2 ADNET
Gibb, Meredith 1578 660.1 SP Systems
Golpayegani, Navid 5042 661 RSIS
Gordon, Craig 5307 660.1 RSIS
Greason, Michael 4529 660.2 ADNET
Griswold, Britt 3381 665 INFON
Gunther, Damon 4914 660.2 ADNET
Hinshaw, Dean 959 660.1 SP Systems
Horner, Donald 9903 660.1 RSIS
Irby, Bryan 1508 660.1 RSIS
Kan, Emily 6840 665 SGT
Kay, Stephen 7660 660.2 SIGMA
Lindler, Don 6096 667 SIGMA
Lowe, Luke 5467 665 RSIS
Maher, Steve 9787 665 SSAI
McDonald, Laura 7242 660.1 ADNET
Mitchell, Sara 4598 660.1 SP Systems
Myers, John 1108 661 SP Systems
Newman, Phil 3920 660.2 GSFC
Padgett, Alex 4996 660.1 RSIS
Patel, Kiran 7793 660.2 GST
Patel, Vasant 3342 660.2 SIGMA
Peachey, James 6115 660.1 RSIS
Pereira, Divya 5908 660.1 RSIS
Perry, Brendan 3569 660.1 RSIS
Prasad, Urmila 1782 665 ADNET
Preciado, Michael 1949 660.1 SP Systems
Reed, Samuel 4567 660.2 SIGMA
Rohrbach, Gail 1516 660.1 SP Systems
Sabol, Ed 1510 660.1 ADNET
Sheets, Teresa 5168 660.1 GSFC
Smale, Karen 7612 660.1 SP Systems
Smith, Evan 9346 660.1 RSIS
Su, Weijun 7891 660.2 GST
Teymourlouei, Haydar 8507 661 CSC
Tripicco, Michael 9244 660.1 ADNET
Tyahla, Lori 1099 667 GST
Tyler, Patricia 3566 660.1 SP Systems
Vernaleo, John 915 661 RSIS
Wendt, Jake 8412 660.1 SP Systems
Wiegand, Bob 5090 660.1 GSFC
Wortman, Kristin 9454 661 CSC

Support Staff:

Name   Phone   Code   Affiliation
Appleman, Dot 5689 660.1 SP Systems
Barnes, Sandy 7780 661 USRA
Bradley, Ruth 8060 660.2 SIGMA
Cooper, LaVida 5454 660 GSFC
Geisbert, Wayne 6276 660 SP Systems
Havrilla, David 8370 660 UMBC
Hughes, Jessie 3053 661 SP Systems
Humberson, Dale 5109 660 SP Systems
Kite, Kristina 8528 665 GSFC
Levell, Pam 9662 662 SP Systems
Maswanganye,Caroline 8802 660 GSFC
Mattson, Barbara 1243 662 ADNET
Mewshaw, Lee 7335 660.5 USRA
Naeye, Robert 4453 660.1 SP Systems
Rippey, Samantha 1532 663 GSFC
Rosas, Ana 3673 665 CUA
Teates, Susan 2436 665 SP Systems
Unkle, Dana 8801 660 GSFC