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Prevents and controls the spread of tuberculosis in Oregon
photo of tb chest xray
Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial disease primarily of the lungs. It is airborne and spread when someone with active TB disease coughs, laughs or sings.
To control the spread of TB in Oregon, the TB Program works with local health departments and private medical providers to: 1) identify and treat TB disease; 2) identify, evaluate, and treat newly infected contacts to infectious TB cases; 3) screen high-risk populations for TB infection. The TB Program provides lab testing, technical assistance, TB medications and analysis of surveillance data to assist with accomplishing these goals.
What's New
CD Summaries
TUBERCULOSIS IN OREGON: GOING BUT NOT GONE (pdf) - discusses the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of TB in Oregon, the diagnosis of TB, and the problem of delayed diagnosis.

D/C ANNUAL TSTS IN HCWS AND LTC (pdf) - reviews the CDC 2005 "Guidelines for Preventing Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings" as they apply to Health Care Worker (HCW) screening for TB and screening of residents and employees in long term care (LTC) facilities.
Local Health Department Forms

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