The US Weather Research Program - 
		Better weather forecasts for the nation.

The U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP) is a partnership among several governmental agencies—NOAA, NASA, DOE, DOT, USDA, the American Meteorological Society, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the U.S. Navy—and the academic and commercial communities. The program is implemented through a series of highly focused projects that were selected based on advice from members of the scientific and user communities.

Our test bed developments include the Collaborative Science, Technology, & Applied Research, Developmental Testbed Center, Hydrometeorological Testbed, Joint Hurricane Testbed, and the Societal Impacts Program.

The overarching goal of the USWRP is to accelerate improvement in high-impact weather forecasting capability—in particular, improvement in forecast timing, location, and specific rainfall amounts associated with hurricane landfall and flood events that significantly affect the lives and property of U.S. inhabitants.

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