Collage showing the new U S P T O building after construction as well as images of fiscal 2004 U S P T O activities. Image is part of the header for the U S P T O Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2004
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2004
Other Accompanying Information

Table of Contents |  Management |  Financial |  Supplemental |  Auditor |  IG |  Other

Fiscal Year 2004 USPTO Workload Tables

Index of Tables

6.4.1   Table 1: Summary of Patent Examining Activities

6.4.2   Table 2: Patent Applications Filed

6.4.3   Table 3: Patents Pending Prior to Allowance

6.4.4   Table 4: Patent Pendency Statistics

6.4.5   Table 5: Summary of Pending Patent Applications

6.4.6   Table 6: Patents Issued

6.4.7   Table 7: Patent Applications Filed by Residents of the United States

6.4.8   Table 8: Patents Issued to Residents of the United States

6.4.9   Table 9: United States Patent Applications Filed by Residents of Foreign Countries

6.4.10   Table 10: Patents Issued by the United States to Residents of Foreign Countries

6.4.11   Table 11: Statutory Invention Registrations (SIRs) Published

6.4.12   Table 12: United States Government Agency Patents

6.4.13a Table 13a: Ex Parte Reexamination

6.4.13b Table 13b: Inter Partes Reexamination

6.4.14  Table 14: Summary of Contested Patent Cases

6.4.15   Table 15: Summary of Trademark Examining Activities

6.4.16   Table 16: Trademark Applications Filed for Registration and Renewal and Trademark Affidavits Filed

6.4.17   Table 17: Summary of Pending Trademark Applications

6.4.18   Table 18: Trademarks Registered, Renewed, and Published Under Section 12(C)

6.4.19   Table 19: Trademark Applications Filed by Residents of the United States

6.4.20   Table 20: Trademarks Registered to Residents of the United States

6.4.21   Table 21: Trademark Applications Filed by Residents of Foreign Countries

6.4.22   Table 22: Trademarks Registered to Residents of Foreign Countries

6.4.23   Table 23: Summary of Contested Trademark Cases

6.4.24   Table 24: Actions on Petitions to the Director of the USPTO

6.4.25   Table 25: Cases in Litigation

6.4.26   Table 26: Patent Classification Activity

6.4.27   Table 27: Scientific and Technical Information Center Activity

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